“Do I need to do a ton of Cardio?”

Weight loss is one of the leading factors for individuals to begin a fitness program.  A common theme is to “burn” fat by performing cardiovascular routines.  Our personal training clients in Napa frequently ask the question “Do I need to do a ton of cardio to get rid of fat?”  This statement is usually identified as going to the gym, hopping on the treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike and use that machine for 15 to 30 minutes.  While it’s true that cardiovascular exercise assists in burning fat calories and contributing to overall weight loss, there is common misconception that performing hours of cardio is the most efficient way to decrease fat.  There is a need for clarification regarding alternative ways to efficiently train the body to utilize fat as a fuel source without only hopping on a cardio machine at the gym.  There are more efficient and invigorating techniques that decrease fat while controlling weight to improve health without doing a ton of cardio.

First off, it’s important to understand the term cardiovascular.  The “cardio” portion indicates activity that is occurring in the cardiac muscle of the heart.  The “-vascular” portion refers to activity in the blood vessels such as arteries, veins, arterioles, venules and capillaries.  Combine those terms to create the term cardiovascular.  Cardiovascular exercise is commonly understood as “cardio”.  Therefore, any activity that occurs within the cardiovascular system form the stimulus of exercise falls into the category of cardiovascular exercise, or “cardio.” This means that any utilization of fats, carbohydrates and the delivery of oxygen throughout the organs of the body are being used to aid the body in exercise.  As heart rate increases, so will these interactions occurring in the body which will help burn fat, increase blood flow and improve the condition of cardiac muscle tissue in the heart.

Increasing heart rate is not the only method to increase cardiovascular activity.  It’s important to understand that interactions occurring in the blood vessels as an integral portion of optimizing cardiovascular exercise.  Increasing blood flow can come in the form of resistance training, mobility exercises such as Yoga, and basic leisurely walks.  Safe practices of lifting weights influence the contraction of muscle cells and influence the influx of oxygenated blood to the muscles.  Poses in Yoga will elicit lengthening muscle fibers and breathing techniques that facilitate oxygen into the blood.  Simple acts of walking from your house to the store for 15 minutes or more will cause increases in blood flow and increase heart rate responses anywhere from 5 to 20 beats per minute.  When the body is introduced to the condition to increase the volume of blood flow from physical activity, distribution of oxygen to muscle cells occurs.  As oxygen travels from the blood to working muscles, fat is utilized as a fuel source. This demand for more blood being called to the working muscle will ultimately lead to an increased heart rate and stimulate the cardiovascular system.  In addition to finding alternatives to the cardio equipment at the gym, training in various forms of exercises like lifting weights, practicing Yoga or walking more offer benefits to increasing strength, improving mobility and stimulate the mind.

Embracing cardiovascular exercise is critically important ideal in supporting our lifetime fitness journey.  However, hopping on a cardio machine at the gym and staring at a TV monitor is a monotonous and time inefficient use of time.  It’s true that these machines are very useful to aid in fat loss and improving physical activity.  The problem is that individuals feel the need to devote countless hours of attention to these machines.  Eventually, diminishing returns of getting bored and developing attachments to these cardio machines can occur.  This can put us in a state of dependency and threaten to close off our minds to other beneficial forms of physical activity that will improve our efforts toward our health and wellness goals.

Challenge the mind by performing a variety of exercise.  Introducing new physically challenging exercise activities stimulates the mind to welcome the opportunity to experience more thoughts, feelings, and actions.  This can serve as a unique form of meditation to keep ourselves not only in great physical shape, but also able to become more refined in the physical, mental and emotional realms.

Take a break from the treadmill, elliptical and stationary bike at the gym and unglue your eyes from the TV.  Ditch the idea of performing a ton of cardio to burn fat and embark in the various offerings of physical activity by performing resistance training, taking fitness classes and getting out to walk more.

Sean McCawley, the founder and owner of Napa Tenacious Fitness in Napa, CA, welcomes questions and comments. Reach him at 707-287-2727, napatenacious@gmail.com or visit the website napatenaciousfitness.com.
