Protein Shakes, How Important are They? : Weight Loss, Lean Muscle Gains, Convenience, and Healthy Alternatives

Protein shakes these days receive a lot of attention due to the high amount of protein in a very small serving size.  Protein shakes consist of protein powder which is purchased in the form of a large container of about 30 servings.  One serving is about 20 to 30 grams of protein and comes in the form of just one scoop being placed inside of water and then either stirred or shaken and then consumed in liquid form, making it a quick and convenient way to consume a high protein meal in a matter of seconds.

There are times in which protein shakes are very beneficial.  Perhaps when someone is in a rush and they need a quick meal, a protein shake is a great option to turn to.  In addition, sometimes protein shakes are utilized in the form of a meal replacement in the place of a meal to where only protein is absorbed as a fuel source removing fats and carbohydrates from that meal.  While protein shakes are useful in the sense of convenience and replacing meals. They are not always necessary.

The high content of protein inside of protein powders can sometimes be too much protein in one setting for an individual utilizing protein powder as an extra source of protein and or a meal.  If a person has not worked out efficiently, the body cannot absorb protein as efficiently, leaving excess calories from the protein being unabsorbed by the muscles.  The extra protein that lays around goes right to the fat cells.

While protein shakes are very appropriate and probably necessary in the athletic arena of a high school, college, or professional athletes who are practicing one the two times a day and then doing a form of strength training one to two times a day on top of that, you can see you where an extra amount of protein will benefit them.  Athletes in this scenario burn two to three thousand more calories per day then that of the general population, which are the people who work 8-hour days and have careers in some sort of job within our civilization.  Therefore, athletes participating in these demanding conditions can absolutely benefit from the increased amount of protein in their diet to rebuild the muscles that have endured a significant amount of stress.

The individuals of the general population do not necessarily need a supplementary version of protein if a well-balanced diet of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates is practiced throughout the day.  Adhering to a diet plan which takes in his into consideration eating 5 to 7 meals a day and having equal amounts of protein, carbohydrate, and healthy fats would be more beneficial than utilizing protein powder and making a shake.  Practicing these healthy lifestyle factors will help lose weight and build lean muscle.

In addition, protein shakes are not the most wholesome form of consuming your meal.  The emulsifiers and additives present in protein powder meant to stabilize the powder consistency inside of the protein shake are ingredients that only someone in the food manufacturing industry or a biochemistry class can understand.  Therefore, these extra ingredients that are unidentifiable are mysterious pieces of matter that you are putting into your body.  More often than not, it’s usually better to consume the food products in which you know what they are and where they come from.  Consuming unprocessed foods will also help reduce the risk of gastrointestinal issues, allergies to gluten and dairy, and reduce inflammatory factors that could cause cancer as well.

A good alternative to protein powder is creating your own version of a protein shake.
If you have a blender this is a great recipe to use in the form of a protein shake:

1 banana

1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds

1 Tablespoon Almond Butter

1 Raw Egg

1 cup water

-Put these all in a blender and blend until smooth!

This protein shake is ideal for after you are done doing any sort of work out that last 30 or more minutes.  The banana will serve as healthy carbohydrates in which your body needs to use as energy when rebuilding muscle and transporting protein to the muscle cell that has been stressed from the workout.  In addition, you have three other sources of protein which are the Chia seeds, almond butter, and raw egg.  The egg, almond butter, and chia seed will also act as a source healthy fats to add into your meal.

Don’t get me wrong, protein shakes are not the worst thing in the world.  In fact, they helped a lot of people lose weight.  However, if you’re looking for a more wholesome approach to a meal that has not been processed, packaged, preserved, and put into a container… it’s always better to get your nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats from a meal that you can create yourself.

Adding Variety to your Core Training Program while utilizing the Posterior Pelvic Tilt: Eccentric Leg Lifts!


Exercises that support your abdominal muscles in the supine position can be a very safe and useful way to train the musculature of your core and trunk region.  One of the reasons why performing a core exercise in the supine position is because you must learn to properly utilize a posterior pelvic tilt while doing this exercise to execute the technique correctly and efficiently.

When laying on the ground and rolling the crest of your hips toward your rib cage, the body will use more of the surface abdominal muscles and deeper abdominal muscles, like the psoas muscles.  A posterior pelvic tilt while on your back will also flatten out the lower back, which will decrease the likelihood of back injuries occurring during this exercise and in everyday life.  Additionally, flattening out the lower back will teach your body to position your hips in a proper position when laying down and facing upward.  It is important to learn how to position your hips in a posterior pelvic tilt because you are essentially utilizing your glutes to roll the crest of your hips toward your ribs and utilizing your deepest psoas muscles to stabilize the spine as well.  Learning to utilize these muscles is very important when standing because you will support your spine and learn to keep these muscles engaged throughout the day which will lead to less injury and less fatigue and in your abdominal and back muscles.

The video featured in this article shows an Eccentric Leg Lift.  The word eccentric refers to the lowering motion of an exercise or the lengthening of a specific group of muscles.  In this case, the eccentric motion is the lowering motion of the legs from an elevated position and focuses on the core musculature which supports the legs from falling to the ground with gravity acting as resistance.  In addition, eccentric movement causes more muscle adaptation to a fewer group of muscles, which will significantly improve muscle cell size and endurance of areas of the core region that are sometimes neglected.  This is a great exercise to throw into your abdominal training routine because it will break the monotony of doing your standard ab training routine.  Variety overtime is very important to any sort of training, in this case specifically abdominal training.  Adding a new type of stress on the body will cause the body to adapt to that type of stress from the exercise that is placed upon it.  Therefore, after doing a few weeks of the same core movements, it’s a good idea to change it up.   Throwing the Eccentric Leg Lift in to your abdominal routine would be a great exercise movement to add into your program if it does not involve any sort of eccentric training.

Lastly, the Eccentric Leg Lift is very beneficial for people who have low back problems because you are lying flat on your back and avoiding sheering forces on your back due to the support that the ground gives you.  In addition, with learning how to properly utilize the posterior pelvic tilt, the ground is a great place to start as well.  The eccentric movement also calls for a lower rep scheme but increases the time under tension, which means that performing less reps will decrease the likelihood of some sort of tweak or strain occurring throughout the movement.  When you’re not sure, slower is usually better. You will also see a few modifications of this exercise and the video that will decrease the difficulty of the exercise and still make the exercise effective with less difficulty.

Core Muscle Endurance and Strengthening: Medicine Ball Pull Through

The Medicine Ball Pull Through exercise is a great core exercise to add into your program to develop strength in the rotary muscles of the center and trunk region of the body.  Performing this exercise will not only be a strong exercise for the core, but is a great exercise for the arms, shoulders,  glutes and some lower body stabilizer muscles of the hips knees and ankles.


When performing this exercise, ensure to press your supporting arm into the ground to utilize your shoulders and arms to stabilize your spine so that your spine stays rigid as you pull the medicine ball across the mid line of your body (like demonstrated in the example).  Pushing your supporting arm into actively into the ground will activate the muscles that stabilize your shoulder blade (the pecs, traps and other muscles of scapular stabilization) and also activate the triceps muscles as well to ensure that your arm is a actively stabilized position.


In addition, it is important to make sure that the crest of your hips are square to the ground and tucking them toward your rib cage.   This is what we call a posterior pelvic tilt. To achieve this, make sure that your ribs are inline with the crests of your hips, your spine is in a neutral position, and you are utilizing your glutes to stabilize your hips.  Another great queue to ensure that your spine remains in a natural and braces position is to keep your core engaged by depressing the rip cage toward the belly button.  It is also important to ensure that the back of your head is inline with the back of your body and your forehead and parallel to the ground.


To modify this exercise, you can perform it from your knees as opposed to having your legs fully extended.


A contraindication to this exercise would include an individual who has wrist problems such as carpal tunnel, previously broken wrists or a wrist/hand injury that might put a strain on the wrist while posting out in the prone push up position for this exercise.  To modify this exercise due to wrist trouble, you can utilize push up stands or Yoga blocks to brace your put the hand in a more comfortable position.  If nothing else helps the wrist for this position, it might be a good idea to omit this exercise from your program.


Start with 4 repetitions and move up to 6,8 and possibly 10!


This core exercise is a great compliment to any sort of program in which you do not have a core exercise in the prone position.  In addition, you will be training muscular endurance of the muscles surrounding the spine, which is a critical component toward decreasing the likelihood of lower back pain and injuries occurring.

Eating Out with Friends and Over Eating- Pick a Number and Stick with It!

Sometimes I talk to clients about the pressure of making healthy food choices when you are out with friends for drinks or some sort outing such as employee functions, family parties or other social events. When there is delicious food like buffalo wings, bread, or cheese fondue out… one wants to partake in the festivities that the event is offering.  In addition, there might also be beer, wine, and other mixed drinks that probably aren’t the healthiest for the human body to consume in massive quantities.  When confronted with the situation, some people feel that it may be rude to not partake in some of the delicious food that is being offered for the social events.  Consuming too much of this food can play a big impact on your goals to maintain healthy weight and lean muscle.

So, what can you do in this situation?

A good solution instead of completely abstaining from everything and eating a green salad and drinking water every time you go out, would be too pick a number of the amount of snacks that you want to eat.  For example, if there are fried egg rolls in front of you that was made by one of your favorite employees or bosses or friends… pick a number, like two, and eat just two over the whole night instead of just grazing aimlessly the entire night on random snacks.  Grazing will lead to overconsumption and you won’t even know how many items of food you’ve eaten.

In addition, when it comes to alcoholic drinks pick the amount of drinks that you’re going to have.  Instead of just filling up drinks one after the other… before you go into the event, choose your threshold of drink capacity. An example might be one to two glasses of beer and/or wine, or maybe just one mixed drink over the whole night.

Social situations are always challenging when it comes to maintaining weight especially because a lot of social gatherings are surrounded around restaurants, drinking alcohol, and food. More often than not, the healthiest food choices are not available during these meetings in most social circles.  So use some of these queues to count the amount of items that you consume over the night and set a limit to it.  This way you won’t have to appear like you’re being rude to your host or the person who’s taking you out to eat.  And you can still maintain your health and fitness goals.

Should you take a day off from your normal training routine when you’re not feeling your best and just wait for the next day? No.

A hot topic that has been brought to my attention time and time again from clients is if they are not feeling 100% up to training on a day that they want to train should they take a day off or not.  Perhaps they had a long day at work. Maybe they had to work an extra hour or two…Or they broke up with their girlfriend or boyfriend the night before.  Sometimes these things might come into play and effect one’s attitude and make them not want to necessarily head to the gym.  So I get asked the question, “Should I just skip that day or should I give it 50% of my best?”

In my opinion, you should always commit to a day that you say you’re going to be working out.  There’s a few reasons behind this. One reason being that if you say you’re going to skip one day then that trend might continue to the next day.  Then you’ll have skipped two days in a row and not just one.  Just like many things that occur in progression, if you do more of one thing it’s going to lead to the probability of the other thing occurring more often… and you’ll build a habit out of skipping.  In this case, skipping a gym day completely due to some unsuspected circumstances that may affect your mood or your energy levels will lead to another day of skipping.

Therefore, a good way to turn feeling crappy about heading into the gym to the positive, the best solution would be to go to the gym and give your best efforts.

So what if you feel a little depleted? At least get started and go through your warm-up routine and go through the proper exercises that will help you feel better walking out than when you walked in.

There is a similarity to the above-mentioned about “skipping days leads to skipping more days.”

Showing up and giving your best will lead to more days of showing up and giving your best. 

Not only will you feel better leaving the gym then when you walked in you’ll also probably remove some of that negative energy that has been haunting you all day.

When you have qualms about skipping days at the gym and not showing due something not going right in your day, the best thing to do would be to follow through with your commitment to your health and fitness.

Everyone always says the hardest part of staying in shape is showing up right?  Well the easiest way to get out of shape is to just not show up at all.  So do yourself a favor if you’re feeling a little crummy. Give your exercise routine the best that you can give every time that you get in to your workout. Unless you’re shivering from a fever, have a broken leg or bleeding profusely… there’s no reason you can go in and get some physical activity in to improve your journey to Lifetime Fitness.

Holiday Eating: We Don’t Need to Gain 5 Pounds this Season… Gain 2 Pounds Instead

It’s holiday season coming up with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner.  This means lots of awesome spreads of food from your favorite relatives and friends.  This usually means that you get a giant plate of food at the buffet table or served to you at dinner with the family.  Holiday traditions such as gingerbread cookies, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, sweet potato casseroles and copious amounts of turkey and ham with mashed potatoes and stuffing are all over the place.  You might find some of these items at your offices as well or your place of work.

With all of these delicious items literally put right out in front of you, it’s hard to say no.  Trust me, I’m an advocate of eating large amounts of food throughout the holidays. I’ve been known to cook some pretty epic food and also be the champion eater at every holiday event.

This could be a recipe for disaster if your trying to lose weight.  With all of these delicious food items around and the pressure of having to eat these items because your relatives or friends made a certain dish, it makes it really hard to try to watch what you eat.

So, what is a good way to mitigate the damage of eating unhealthy Foods that taste delicious and still maintain your weight?

Here are a few recommendations:

1.  Track your weight: I always find it amusing to see how much weight I gained after a holiday meal.  In order to maintain a healthy weight and not gain too much fat mass, it can be a good idea to utilize the scale to track your body weight.  Instead of gaining 5 pounds throughout the Thanksgiving or Christmas week, shoot for your maximum threshold of weight gain to be around 2 to 3 pounds.  Being mindful about the amount of body weight that you are at will help you with your food choices and how much food you are eating.  This could also help with overeating during the holiday feast.

2.  Make sure to pack plenty of vegetables on your plate.  When you see that there is a side dish of green beans or a salad of some sort, this will help curve your appetite a little bit and also supply your intestinal tract with plenty of fiber to digest food little more efficiently.  Once again this is a great way to help with overeating during the holiday feast.

3.  Take a walk after you consume a ridiculous amount of food.  Just sitting down after you eat might be a good way to go back to the table and eat more food.  Keeping your body active and in motion will be a good way to curve your appetite as well.

The holiday season is a great time to get together with family and enjoy food together.  Food has always been a great method of bringing people together.  Let’s use food to bring people together and enjoy some good conversations and try not to use it as a gluttonous way to punish our bodies.

Hiking and Inclined Walking: Super Effective Method to Burn Fat and is Easy on Knees!

Getting out and enjoying the outdoors at a local hill or mountain is a good way to improve your cardiovascular endurance and boost your fat metabolism. Hiking up a hill is a great form of exercise because it is in the category of what we would call “inclined walking.”  Inclined walking puts positive stress on the muscles of the lower body that is very similar to that of prolonged jogging or running routines.  By putting stress on the lower body during inclined walking, heart rate responses will increase and your Aerobic Energy System will kick in.  This means that by utilizing the Aerobic Energy System, you will be going into a intra exercise fat burning mode.

The benefit of inclined walking is that it will put less stress on the knee and Ankle joints due to the angle of force that is being put upon the feet and knees when hiking uphill.  Don’t get me wrong, running is a very beneficial form of exercise.  However, for the population that suffers from knee pain issues such as arthritis, chondromalacia or some sort of surgical repair, prolonged running activities like jogging or interval running training on a treadmill can be detrimental to knee joints.  Therefore, by walking up a hill for a prolonged period at a slower pace can still give you similar heart rate responses than that of a prolonged jogging activity.

So, go get out your favorite hill and hike around and enjoy the views!  You will not only be doing a different form of activity in which you can experience beautiful landscapes, but you will also be utilizing your aerobic Energy System for fat metabolism and get a great lower body workout as well.20161113_113135

Slam a Glass of H20 First Thing in the Morning After You Open Your Eyes! Maintaining Healthy Hydration Status

Establishing our hydration needs throughout the day is a little challenging.  Sometimes we forget to drink water because we get so busy with our everyday lives at our jobs, with our families or dealing with other concerns during the day.

One recommendation for the amount for daily water intake an individual should be consuming would be about 3 liters or .5 oz. multiplied by your body weight in pounds.  Some recommendations suggest 2.7 liters for females or 3.7 liters for males.  3 liters is a lot of water. So, if all else fails, just go with the 3 liters of water per day approach.

Well, there are many different recommendations for water intake, it might be obvious to some people who are reading this article that they do not consume the recommended amount of water.

Water is important for many functions throughout the body.  Research about the anatomy of her body suggest that we are made up of 65 to 75% of water.  One can imagine that having a deficient amount of water throughout the day good negatively affect the functions of our body.

Having done my Master’s thesis on the effects of exercise induced dehydration, I have observed some research in which water can positively affect an individual’s performance throughout the day and negatively affect someone’s day as well.  An example of being hydrated suggest that your blood will flow at a more efficient rate coursing throughout the body from head to toe. This means that you will have a better supply of oxygen rich blood going to the muscles, nerves and vital organs.  Some research suggests that being dehydrated will decrease blood flow to the brain and muscles.  You could imagine that decreased amounts of blood to the brain would cause symptoms of lack of concentration and just feeling overall crumby.

So how do we remedy some effects of dehydration throughout the day.  Without getting too much into it, one suggestion that is easy and can be applied immediately would be to drink a full glass of water every morning right after you get up from sleeping.  Waking up from 6 to 8 hours of sleep without drinking anything it is a great time to replenish your fluid levels with a full glass of water.

Go ahead and practice this method. Put a large glass of water next to your bathroom sink.  After you wake up fill up that glass of water and slam it before you start your hygiene routine to begin your day.

If I have learned anything from doing a 6-month research project on the effects of exercise induced dehydration.  I have learned that water is good.

Manageable Daily Fitness Routines: How to Keep your Physical Activity in Check

Finding ways to establish a fitness routine that one can and adhere to is always a challenge.  One of the best ways to adhere to a routine that will elicit substantial benefits for your body is to develop a very brief daily exercise routine.  Performing at least a 30 second exercise routine everyday will help the body to become stronger and develop lean muscle mass.  Of course, developing lean muscle mass will lead to decreased levels of cholesterol, better balance of insulin and controlling one’s weight.  These things can lead to helping the effects of diabetes, obesity and other conditions that will affect the body such as arthritis or old age in general.

So, what are some easy exercise habits that can help us maintain lean muscle mass and strength in the body?

Getting in three workout sessions per week that concentrates on lower body movements and upper body pushing and pulling movements through resistance should be implemented in someone’s life.  However, with busy schedules that have to do with work family and social life these things are never easy.  To counter that the “I don’t have time” issue, adhering to specific modes of exercise that take no more than 30 seconds to one minute every day are a great way to help your body stay in motion.  In addition to helping your body stay in motion, doing exercises that take 30 seconds to one minute every day will also keep the thoughts of maintaining your 3 times a week exercise routine hot on your mind.  A good way to help maintain your exercise routine is to keep your mind percolating on the thought of exercise.  If we can keep exercise just as much as a necessity as water or food, we will live healthier and more fulfilling lives when implementing physical activity in our everyday lives.

Some examples may include planks, push ups, squats or a stretching routine (like the ones shown below) before you even hop in the shower in the morning and do your hygiene routine.

daily-fitness-routine-blog-jake-and-daugther-stretching-hamstring-stretch daily-fitness-routine-blog-jake-and-daugther-stretching-childs-pose daily-fitness-routine-blog-jake-and-daugther-stretching

One such example is 30 push ups before you go into the shower.  If you can’t do 30 push-ups on the ground, go ahead and do 10 push-ups from the counter top. 

Another example would be to do 30 seconds of straight arm or elbow plank.  Once again if the difficulty is too hard to do it with straight legs just simply go from your knees you can refer to the video that I made about planks:

Another routine would be to do 10 – 20 body weight squats.  Or you can do 10 to 20 calf raises.

Regardless of the routine that you choose from some of the examples that were listed, it is still a good idea to find some way to adhere to physical activity that is outside your normal scope of activities that you do throughout your day.  Sure, you may walk a half-mile during your work day when you’re in the office.  You may pick up a few heavy objects throughout your day as well.  However, this is different from the what exercise training is involved with.  Training your body will make walking during your work day easier. It will make picking heavy objects up easier. It will make the feelings of soreness tightness pain easier it will make your fatigue levels go down throughout the day you will have more energy.

Implementing an easy exercise habit that you can do at least ONCE during your day will benefit your physical well-being tremendously throughout your life.  So, pick something easy that you can adhere to such as what was listed.  Remember just 30 seconds of exercise before you hop in the shower and perform your morning hygiene routine will make a significant difference in your daily life.

The Art of Omelet Making

Sometimes making your own breakfast can be a bear.  It could be challenging to think about what some of the right items to eat would be.  However, if you enjoy eggs and fresh vegetables, then this is a great post for you to read.

You don’t need many items to create a healthy omelet.

In this video I’ll show you how to make a healthy omelet step by step.  Even though this video is a few minutes long, after you get this technique down it can take you less than 5 minutes to make.

Remember that making your own breakfast is way better than stopping by Starbucks and getting bagels or a pre-made breakfast sandwich.  When you have control over your own food choices it will be easier to maintain a healthy weight and also live a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, it may take you a little longer to make an omelet then to pour a bowl of cereal with milk, but the health benefits are astronomical when choosing a breakfast, you made from scratch.  Pouring a bowl of cereal over milk will not only give you a huge influx of calories but will also spike your insulin and leave you feeling hungry an hour later.  In addition, processed and pre-made foods are usually not the best sources of food because they have preservatives and other fake crap in them.

Developing habits to create your own breakfast each morning will be a pivotal part of starting your day off right to keeping a healthy weight, maintaining lean muscle mass and be energetic and effective throughout your day!
