Category: Core Exercises Napa

Pain Reduction and Exercise Adherence

Shedding a few pounds to prepare for a desired aesthetic appearance before a beach trip to the Amalfi coast in a few months, increasing lean muscle mass, or decreasing circulating cholesterol or insulin levels because the doctor said so, making a trip to the gym covers a lot of ground to enhance a human’s overall …

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Exercising and Hangovers

“Why is it called a hangover,” said Ares, the god of war.  Hercules retorted, “Because when you drink too much booze, you’re going to hang your head over that rail and…”  I’ll allow the readers to use their imagination to envision the subsequent chain of events that occurred. This interaction between these two mythical characters …

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Challenges in Finding Time to Exercise

Doctor’s recommendations, news reports, and a multitude of research support the benefits of exercise.  A healthy weight, decreased stress, and increased overall mood throughout the day are enticing factors to be attracted to.  A plethora of reasons to exercise to support our overall quality of life can make a list of reasons to invest in …

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Hiking is Medicine

“Wait, stop.  Can you hear that?”  Standing at the end of the quarter-mile hike up to the peak of Westwood Hills in Napa, my friend instructed me to halt my steps and listen.  A wide-eyed look of bewilderment formed on my face, “Hear what?” I replied.  She looked at me with a smile of satisfaction, …

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Healthy Choices on Business Trips

It’s my first time visiting Denver, Colorado, for a continuing education trip to enlighten a few of my fellow coaches and me to become smarter, more skillful, and better informed on the best practices in the cutting-edge research being presented at the ACSM fitness conference.  Honing my skills as a fitness professional, mentor, and consultant …

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Finding Time for Exercise

Doctor’s recommendations, news reports, and a multitude of research support the benefits of exercise.  A healthy weight, decreased stress, and increased overall mood throughout the day are enticing factors to be attracted to.  A plethora of reasons to exercise to support our overall quality of life can make a list of reasons to invest in …

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Decreasing the Risk of Falling

Balance is a unique aspect of our physical activity affecting many interactions in our everyday lives. For example, the ability to get up from a seated position, get out of bed in the morning after a six to eight-hour slumber, or disembark from our car seats require an impressive combination of movements occurring simultaneously to …

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Success in the Pull Up World

A success story occurred recently for one our Napa personal training clients.  After many trials and hard work, this exercise participant was able to perform one complete pull up.  Let’s call this exercise participant who works out at our fitness facility Arnold for confidentiality purposes.  While making our way through a weekly training session, Arnold …

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What to Eat, and When to Eat

Weight loss is one of the most common fitness goals.  Whether shedding a few pounds to look for good for a summer cruise, managing body weight afflicted by metabolic diseases, or simply maintaining a healthy weight because it feels good, attention to how much one weighs is essential.  Usually, a doctor’s recommendation for healthy body …

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Want to play catch?

The sun is out in full force.  The vivid blue sky and toasty weather gracing Napa Valley have finally appeared following a frosty and damp winter.  As the birds begin their concert of raucous cackling and chirping, the cacophony of small children can be heard around our local schools and neighborhood parks. Grimy baseball mitts, …

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