Some of us don’t realize how vital lower back health is until an accidental injury debilitates us. Quick tweaks to the back can occur from the simplest motions throughout our everyday lives. From lifting up a bag of groceries, to chasing around our kids, to the simple act of getting out of the car can …
Category: Core Exercises Napa
Jul 13
Just Dont’ Hurt Your Back
“All you have to do is…” If only life were as easy as living the description behind these words. If this were the case, we’d all be living on Mars. However, I’m sure we’re all aware that life is full of twists and turns we can’t necessarily predict. In the case of the physical well-being …
Jul 06
The gym isn’t fun
The other day when I was out and about running some errands, I had the privilege to run into an old friend. We had connected earlier in the week at the pickleball courts in Yountville. He mentioned how fun the sport was and how his body wasn’t as stressed after a tennis session. He added …
Jun 30
Digital Detox
The term detox can be defined as: a process or period in which one abstains or rids the body of unhealthy or toxic substances. The one-hundred and thirty-eight gram, three by six-inch device the majority of the population wields in their hand every day have unquestionably revolutionized humanity. Anyone can absorb knowledge from their phones …
Jun 22
Performing Exercises Correctly
When I was eleven years old, beginning my first adventure on the path of fitness, I was overwhelmed with the idea of getting to lift weights at the gym. My arrival on the weight floor made me as giddy as a dentist’s child walking through a candy store. The sensation of wielding a heavy object …
Jun 16
Should I take protein supplements?
It’s been a refreshing experience seeing the Napa community outside enjoying the sun and participating in numerous forms of outdoor physical activity. The thirty-something-year-old parents can be seen throwing a ball to their offspring with their under ten years old kids. Volunteer parent coaches stand behind the rambunctious youth as they teach them how to …
Jun 05
Daily Hydration Tactics
“How much water should I be drinking?” After completing a seventy-five-minute training session, one of our personal training clients, Ken, asked. “How much do you normally drink each day?” I replied. “Oh, about two of these.” Ken said after holding up a twenty-ounce portable water container. Before delving in further to a conversation covering advanced …
May 26
Fear of the Gyms
As the weather gets warmer, daylight fills the sky longer, and the first quarter of the year concludes, people begin to settle into new habits. New jobs, a fest set of classes at school, and new hobbies start to be ingrained in people’s lives. Along with new year habits, exercises are usually a new tactic …
May 12
Strength Training for Bone Health
The human body is comprised of a collection of skin, blood, muscles, nerves, and organs vital to our sophisticated interaction in our environment. The supporting infrastructure holding these organs together are the complex collection of bones making up our skeleton. Bones are considered connective tissue along with our skin, muscles, ligament, tendons, and fat. Connective …
May 05
Exercise the muscles you don’t use
The human body is made to adapt to the stresses imposed on it. Climate, physical labor, and tasks requiring mental capacity are a few examples of the jobs we endure throughout our everyday lives. Two prime examples of categories of professions include construction workers and desk jockeys. For example: construction workers lift heavy boards over …