Category: Decrease Stress Napa

Shoulder Strength and Functionality

Frequently used kitchen items such as coffee mugs, glass ware, and plates can be found in the cupboards over the countertop in the kitchen.   Reaching up to get a mug for drinking coffee, a plate for eating breakfast and dinner, or obtaining a glass for your favorite beverage is an everyday task for most of …

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Learning to Squat Correctly

Maintaining stability is an important theme to efficient functionality in our everyday lives.  We can relate to this by referencing non-human structures possessing solid foundations.  For example, trees have a root system that reinforces the heavy wood trunk and branch structures to grow vertically.  A backhoe requires a strong load behind it to stabilize when …

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Get Your Sleep and Thrive

Our everyday lifestyle habits lead to a day that uses a specific amount of energy from our human fuel tanks.  This fuel comes in the form of physical energy, emotions, and decision-making capabilities.  By the end of the day, we feel tired and are ready to wind down.  This is our body’s built in mechanism …

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Unbalanced Situations

Balance is a component of fitness that isn’t touched on until the realization that suboptimal balance affects our lives.  We need balance for many activities in our everyday lives to be productive.  Once balance is taken from someone, movement is significantly impaired.  Simple movements like getting out of the car, walking around the neighborhood, gardening …

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99 Years Strong

“I didn’t have time for that.”  This is what my then 93-year-old grandpa told me as we took a trip down highway 5 to a strength and conditioning workshop in Orange county.  This is a phrase that a lot of us say when our jobs, stress, and laziness get in the way of taking care …

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Unbalanced Situations

Balance is a component of fitness that isn’t touched on until the realization that suboptimal balance affects our lives.  We need balance for many activities in our everyday lives to be productive.  Once balance is taken from someone, movement is significantly impaired.  Simple movements like getting out of the car, walking around the neighborhood, gardening …

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Managing Sciatica

Physical pain throughout the body elicits a nuisance to our lives in many appearances.  A decrease in productivity can occur because we are apprehensive about how a specific physical activity will result in pain for days to weeks.  Psychological and emotional health can be affected from focusing on pain, diverting our attention from enjoying our …

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“Dad, can you play catch with me?”

It’s an immaculate Sunday morning.  The weather has been starting off in the high 50’s and fluctuating into the low 60’s as you open your eyes and arise from your slumber.  As the summer solstice of June yields the longest day of the year over the weekend, birds can be heard performing a symphony of …

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Knee Pain Relief

The simple tasks of traveling up and down stairs, stepping off curbs, kneeling down to get some extra gloves finally in stock on the bottom shelf at the supermarket are considered  everyday tasks.  Enjoying golf, a few games of Pickleball, or a hike in the beautiful Napa Valley shouldn’t take a second thought.  We should …

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Identifying Weight Loss Obstacles

Restrictions placed upon us by the history-making COVID-19 crisis are gradually being relaxed.  Our down time while remaining inside might have consisted of learning a craft, working from home, or spending time with loved ones.  A popular trend deserving recognition is the popularity of exercising at home.  Improving our psychological, emotional, and physical wellbeing is …

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