Category: Exercise and Sleep

Staying Fit During the Holiday Season!

Catching up with family, traditional holiday food, and bright lights decorating your neighbors’ houses are a clear sign that the holiday season is in full effect.  With 2019 waiting for us around the corner, the holidays bring one last hurrah before new year’s resolutions are established.  Along with the holiday rituals, the days get dark …

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Pick The Exercises You Like!

  Part of my job as a personal trainer and life time fitness coach in Napa is to create and manage exercise prescriptions for our clients at our fitness studio.  Overseeing numerous fitness programs per month, I also have the privilege of creating my own new and improved exercise prescriptions every 4 weeks.  Just like …

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Fitness and Aging: Stay Young with Regular Exercise

Aging is a process when we realize our fitness levels decline.  We can recall that we may have been at our peak fitness levels when we were in our 20’s.  We had the body we wanted and might be wishing we had back.  Being active athletes, dancing, hiking and other recreational activities were all things …

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Staying Healthy During Day Light Savings Time

It’s getting to be that time of year where the sunrises and sunsets are beautiful, but the weather gets cold and the days grow short.  Usually when there are less hours in the day, people want to get inside sooner.   When it’s dark and cold, we must do things to keep warm, which usually means …

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Healthier Breakfast Options: Nutrition at Home!

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Waking up from a 6 to 8-hour slumber without any food, the first meal of the day is a prime time to restore the nutrients in your body.  Optimal sleep is one of the most beneficial practices to ensuring the body manages …

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Procrastinating from Fitness: Managing Your Time for Exercise

We all want to become a fitter version of ourselves.  Who wouldn’t want to lose a few pounds, gain some lean muscle, recover from an injury and reap the benefits of becoming a more healthful version of ourselves to live a longer, happier life?  The answer is should be obvious.  There’s one problem here, we …

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“Do I need to do a ton of Cardio?”

Weight loss is one of the leading factors for individuals to begin a fitness program.  A common theme is to “burn” fat by performing cardiovascular routines.  Our personal training clients in Napa frequently ask the question “Do I need to do a ton of cardio to get rid of fat?”  This statement is usually identified …

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Exercise as Medicine to Cure and Prevent Diabetes

Adult onset Diabetes is a common occurrence impeding society’s health due to the consumption of sugary foods and decreased physical activity.  High glycemic index foods such as breads, crackers and “on-the-go” breakfast bars contribute to the insulin spiking effects that can develop into Diabetes.  Lack of physical activity from sedentary professions and stressful lifestyles cause …

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Life Time Fitness to Replace Anti-Depressants

The stresses of everyday life can debilitate our physical, emotional and mental health. Most stress is sourced from our working climate, quarrels within relationships, or expectations from Hollywood and social media. Stress from these sources cause anxiety including feelings of anxiousness, helplessness, being criticized, being blamed for things, abandonment, or feeling defeated and weak.  Nobody …

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