Opening jars, turning a set of keys to the deadbolt to our homes, or just picking up bulky items throughout our day; hand movements make our lives functional. The unique organization of fingers and thumbs at the end of our arms gifts us the ability to type, use our phones, drive, and make food. Opposable …
Category: Exercise and Sleep
Nov 02
Tight Hips=Tight Back
Our veteran client, Freddy, was beginning his weekly exercise routine. He expressed his back was feeling tight. He immediately knelt with his back facing an exercise bench. Putting one foot on the bench and the other foot positioned in front of him as if he were genuflecting in a position meant to stretch his quadriceps …
Oct 07
We all have enough time for exercise
Time is a piece of reality in life we can’t fully control. After reading the previous sentence, that moment will be stored in the archives of history along with the many other events we have participated in throughout our lives. The idea of time can be limiting for us. We have twenty-four hours in our …
Sep 20
How Does Stretching Make you FEEL?
Flexibility and mobility are terms that contribute to an efficient, pain free, and productive body. Functions such as reaching over the head to acquire objects, bending down to pick objects off the ground, or rotating the torso to get in and out of cars are common movements that require joints to be able to move …
Sep 06
Healthy Dinners: Electronic Free Meals
Long days at the office require rest and relaxation. Waking up at the early hours of the morning, commuting to job sites, and devoting energy and time to your trade requires significant psychological, emotional, and physical bandwidth. As we make the journey home following a productive day, we look forward to seeing the inside of …
Aug 08
Healthy Knees and Strong Hips
A productive and enjoyable experience to our everyday lives is what most of us strive to achieve after we wake up in the morning. A critically important factor to a fulfilling day is our physical well-being. We can have a to-do list with the power to supercharge our world. However, we cannot make these life-enhancing …
Jul 29
Solving Sciatica Through Exercise
Back pain is no joke. Limited movement, decreased functionality, and living with pain are just a few negative biproducts back pain imposes upon a person’s life. Disruptions such as traumatic accidents, overuse, underuse, or injuries, to the structures surrounding the collections of bones comprising our spine, can turn a personal world upside down. These words …
Jul 12
BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)
“I have a few big, hairy, audacious goals.” These profound adjectives presented before the word “goals” caught my attention as I was meeting with a new personal training client. “I call them BHAGs. I use them as a tool to achieve my sales quota for my job. If I don’t set those goals for myself, …
Jun 23
Pregnancy and Fitness
Brining another human into this world is a monumental event. We have the ability to grant the gift of life to a baby allowing them to flourish, thrive, and partake in the wonders offered by the world. Once we see a newborn baby enter the world, their eyes open for the very first time, their …
Jun 01
Give Pain Your Full Attention
Hinges, knobs, handles, screws, nuts, and bolts are instruments used throughout our daily lives. We see them as we open doors to our homes and cars. Metal hinges held on by screws attaching doors to planks of wood ensure a door operates efficiently. Handles attached to our kitchen utensil drawers are fastened by screws. The …