Category: gym

Mindful Posture Decreases Shoulder Injuries

Not too long ago, we had to pick up corded phones and dial phone numbers that we either memorized or obtained via our contact book. We physically wrote names and phone numbers down using a pen and paper.  The necessity to carve out time in our day to venture to the grocery store at a …

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Risk of Falling: Get a Grip

“Taking a digger,” “getting up close and personal with the stairs,” or “eating it” are comical phrases when relating to an event where gravity got the best of us, causing us to fall. Typically, these humorous situations can be laughed off and we can live as if nothing happened. Falls could be a simple trip …

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Exercise the muscles you don’t use

The human body is made to adapt to the stresses imposed on it.  Climate, physical labor, and tasks requiring mental capacity are a few examples of the jobs we endure throughout our everyday lives.  Two prime examples of categories of professions include construction workers and desk jockeys. For example: construction workers lift heavy boards over …

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Reasons To Do Push Ups

Possessing a developed upper shoulder, chest, and triceps region means more than having the ability to sport a tank top on a seventy-eight-degree, sun-filled day in northern California.  The musculature of the upper extremities has many valuable functions.  In particular, the muscles responsible for arm extension are at the top of the list of essential …

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Recalibrating Health for the New Year

A new frontier of experiencing the next set of twelve calendar months is upon us.  As we set out to journey through 2022, we can appreciate the successes, times shared with others, and challenges we’ve overcome from the previous year.  We tack another digit onto our age.  Our kids might progress to the next grade …

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BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)

“I have a few big, hairy, audacious goals.”  These profound adjectives presented before the word “goals” caught my attention as I was meeting with a new personal training client.  “I call them BHAGs.  I use them as a tool to achieve my sales quota for my job.  If I don’t set those goals for myself, …

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Pregnancy and Fitness

Brining another human into this world is a monumental event.  We have the ability to grant the gift of life to a baby allowing them to flourish, thrive, and partake in the wonders offered by the world.  Once we see a newborn baby enter the world, their eyes open for the very first time, their …

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Give Pain Your Full Attention

Hinges, knobs, handles, screws, nuts, and bolts are instruments used throughout our daily lives.  We see them as we open doors to our homes and cars.  Metal hinges held on by screws attaching doors to planks of wood ensure a door operates efficiently.  Handles attached to our kitchen utensil drawers are fastened by screws.  The …

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Posture Makes Perfect

“Is there anything you can do to help this pain in my neck.”  This is a common request that comes from our newer personal training clients just starting one of our exercise prescriptions.  This comment is usually paired with the participant turning around and showing me the spot that hurts.  As they struggle to reach …

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Shoulder Strength and Functionality

Frequently used kitchen items such as coffee mugs, glass ware, and plates can be found in the cupboards over the countertop in the kitchen.   Reaching up to get a mug for drinking coffee, a plate for eating breakfast and dinner, or obtaining a glass for your favorite beverage is an everyday task for most of …

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