A new frontier of experiencing the next set of twelve calendar months is upon us. As we set out to journey through 2022, we can appreciate the successes, times shared with others, and challenges we’ve overcome from the previous year. We tack another digit onto our age. Our kids might progress to the next grade …
Category: gyms near me
Jan 14
Exercise your way out of stress
“What are the top three stressors throughout your day?” This is a question we include in our introductory paperwork we encourage our new personal training clients to complete. Not only is this topic a great way to develop a productive and growth mindset oriented in an interpersonal coaching relationship, but this also offers valuable information …
Jan 02
Best times to eat
“Weight loss is made in the kitchen, not the treadmill.” I overheard this comment during the start of my personal training career while working at a local gym many moons ago. To a degree, this was an accurate statement. The context of this conversation referred to the logic of consuming foods aiding weight loss by …
Sep 06
Healthy Dinners: Electronic Free Meals
Long days at the office require rest and relaxation. Waking up at the early hours of the morning, commuting to job sites, and devoting energy and time to your trade requires significant psychological, emotional, and physical bandwidth. As we make the journey home following a productive day, we look forward to seeing the inside of …
Jun 23
Pregnancy and Fitness
Brining another human into this world is a monumental event. We have the ability to grant the gift of life to a baby allowing them to flourish, thrive, and partake in the wonders offered by the world. Once we see a newborn baby enter the world, their eyes open for the very first time, their …
Jun 09
Weight Loss on Auto Pilot
A fellow reader of the Napa Register reached out with an interest in maintaining a healthy weight. She shared that she had lost over thirty pounds at sixty-nine years old. I commend this reader on her enthusiasm in refining her lifestyle to achieve a healthy weight. Losing a substantial amount of weight is no easy …
Jan 27
Rainy Day Exercise
Our glorious holiday season has wrapped up as December shifts to the beginning of January. Historically, January offers grey and cloudy skies. Peering out the window, we aren’t granted the bright blue sky and warm days we get in spring and summer. The cold, foggy morning brings us consistent bouts of rain. Bleak wet environments …
Jan 11
Posture Makes Perfect
“Is there anything you can do to help this pain in my neck.” This is a common request that comes from our newer personal training clients just starting one of our exercise prescriptions. This comment is usually paired with the participant turning around and showing me the spot that hurts. As they struggle to reach …
Dec 24
Keep the Kids Moving
The innovation of electronic devices in our lives has brought us a long way. Television is a tradition in which we watch our favorite shows, receive updates on current events, cheer for our favorite sports team, and use as an entertainment mechanism for our children. The ever-evolving cell phone acts as a peripheral brain. Not …
Nov 18
Shoulder Strength and Functionality
Frequently used kitchen items such as coffee mugs, glass ware, and plates can be found in the cupboards over the countertop in the kitchen. Reaching up to get a mug for drinking coffee, a plate for eating breakfast and dinner, or obtaining a glass for your favorite beverage is an everyday task for most of …