Category: Hiking in Napa Valley

The Female Body: Will lifting weights make me bulky?

Body image is a very frequent subject that gets brought from our personal training clients in Napa. A popular question among our female clients that we get asked is, “Will lifting weights and performing resistance training exercises make me look too bulky?” While it is true that performing resistance training as a mode of exercise …

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Back Injury Prevention Made Easy!

Back injuries are one of the most common injuries that the general population experience. These injuries include anything from lower back injuries, pain in between the shoulder blades, and neck strains. Nagging neck and back pain can be debilitating and cause lack of production in our everyday activities.  Back pain can be distracting and disruptive …

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Don’t Split Hairs when you Have a Forest to go through… Adhere to Physical Activity 3 times per week!

Some important aspects of a life time of happiness, strength and health are: “Do I exercise at least 3 times per week? “Am I properly hydrated?” “Do I get enough sleep throughout the week.” Sometimes when we see advertisements on different programs that are targeted to decrease weight loss in 30 days, improve your diet …

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4 Pillars of Life Time Fitness: Wellness, The Fitness Continuum, Nutrition… and PLAY!

Improvements in Life Time Fitness include focusing on some major categories that will significantly help benefit one’s health through a regular fitness program. Something that we promote with our Personal Training clients here in Napa, is to focus on something we call The 4 Pillars of Life Time Fitness. Within these pillars, we feature 4 …

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Putting Yourself First: Wellness as a Priority!

The category of Wellness has to do with staying strong, healthy, and happy emotionally, mentally, and physically.   A critical component to staying “Well” is putting yourself first by taking time aside to exercise, set goals, and partake in your hobbies. Everyone has families, but you won’t be able to take care of your family and …

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Take Deep Breaths to Reduce Work Stress and Improve Concentration, Productivity, and Mental Health

Do you ever find yourself stressed out, stuck in a rut, or just too busy that you don’t know what to do next? Sometimes stress puts us in a confined state of mind in which we feel like we have nowhere to go and we stay stuck in a stressful state of something like anger, …

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Hiking and Inclined Walking: Super Effective Method to Burn Fat and is Easy on Knees!

Getting out and enjoying the outdoors at a local hill or mountain is a good way to improve your cardiovascular endurance and boost your fat metabolism. Hiking up a hill is a great form of exercise because it is in the category of what we would call “inclined walking.”  Inclined walking puts positive stress on …

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