The journeys throughout everyday life impose trials on our bodies and minds. Everything from sitting too much, making phone calls, or being hunched over a keyboard to the complete opposite of performing knuckle-dragging physical labor required for landscaping, painting houses, or framing doors in a home. If the body doesn’t consistently recover from strenuous bouts …
Category: Hiking in Napa Valley
Nov 21
Benefits of inclined walking
Taking a morning stroll on one of our brisk winter mornings has been a tradition for many people as an energizing and uplifting start to the day. This is an opportunity to hang out with your spouse, family member, or friend could be a neighborhood walk after dinner. Walks are great ways to clear the …
Nov 16
Improving Balance with Exercise Progressions
There are many everyday life scenarios in which we find ourselves being pushed off our center of gravity. Whether it’s a slight stutter step to the outside or tripping over an object on the ground, regaining our balance and center of gravity is frequent interaction with our environment. Activities as simple as getting out of …
Nov 03
Treats and Healthy Habits
“If I’m going out, I’m going out riding a dragon.” This is one of my favorite quotes regarding dedicating a day of treating myself to my favorite “guilty pleasure”: decadent food. After a week’s worth of clean eating, practicing healthy lifestyle habits, playing competitive pickleball three times per week, and participating in meticulously designed exercise …
Oct 27
Out of Breath From a Flight of Stairs
I had the opportunity to visit our nation’s capital this week, Washington, DC. My first time in this part of the country offered picturesque views of the trees changing colors, of leaves from umber orange to crimson red. Businesspeople clad in warm coats, scarves, and beanies steadily kept a rigorous walking pace up and down …
Oct 08
Fit for Travel
Our world offers majestic mountain ranges, azure and sapphire oceans, and unique cultures, offering us awe-inspiring food and human interactions. We have a seemingly unlimited number of options for those of us possessing a strong desire to explore the world. How people interact with each other, eat, and function in every life is unique to …
Sep 09
Just One More Healthy Deed
It’s normal to strive for a little bit more of something. After a long day at the office, a top by the local fast-food joint or order from Door Dash seems like the simple solution. Sitting on the couch and turning on the ball game while scrolling through text messages and social media sounds enticing. …
Aug 31
Risk of Falling: Get a Grip
“Taking a digger,” “getting up close and personal with the stairs,” or “eating it” are comical phrases when relating to an event where gravity got the best of us, causing us to fall. Typically, these humorous situations can be laughed off and we can live as if nothing happened. Falls could be a simple trip …
Aug 25
Muscles and a Balanced Diet Make a Successful Team
The scales of deciding to indulge in decadent foods and maintaining a healthy functional body continue to be an act of checks and balances for society. Humanity has developed an array of resources to acquire delicious food at our fingertips. As five o’clock PM hits, and we depart from our jobs or pick up our …
Aug 18
Sciatica is a Pain in the Butt: Part 2
Last week, we shed light upon a few noteworthy structures surrounding the sciatic nerve in the body. This region of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and nerves is referred to as the lumbopelvic hip complex, or the LPHC. The combination of connective tissue present in the LPHC is significant for the integrity of the lumbar spine …