Category: hip pain

Prioritizing Lower Body Strength

Completing a full-body resistance training exercise session introduces a plethora of benefits toward everyday functionality.  Movements featuring productive exercise-induced stress on the lower extremity, core, and upper extremity have historically demonstrated how they assist in optimizing the ability to move more efficiently, avoid injury, reduce physical pain from previous injuries, and bolster the interactions within …

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Starting a Fitness Journey, Take Small Bites

Our fitness center had the privilege to expand another fourteen hundred square feet this past year.  The addition of a hallway, another bathroom, two office suites, and about eight hundred additional square feet to utilize for one-on-one personal training activities gave our coaching team the potential to invite more people into our business and offer …

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Managing Chronic Pain and Overcoming Fear of Exercise

Chronic pain presents itself in a wide range of symptoms throughout the general population.  Degenerative bone disease, recovering from significant orthopedic surgeries, or joint misalignments are some conditions contributing to prolonged periods of pain.  Chronic pain can be defined as a symptom of unresolved physical pain that has negatively affected the productive functionality of a …

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Arthritis and Bone Mineral Density

Our bones are significant organs within our body responsible for the infrastructure and framework that keeps us upright and allows us to move in multiple planes of motion.  Similar to how rebar, cement, and two-by-fours hold buildings together, our bones supply an internal stabilizing factor to support our body.  Our skeleton offers us a magnificent …

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Sciatica Struggles

“You don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone.”  It couldn’t have been said any better than when I listened to the 80’s hair band playing this song out of the Alpine speakers in my stepdads car on the way to school many moons ago.  When I have a headache, upset stomach, or a bad …

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Shrugging Off Shoulder Pain

“Back in ’82, I could throw a football a quarter mile.  How much you wanna bet I can throw this football over them mountains?”  Uncle Rico, a character in the movie Napolean Dynamite, stated this.  Rico was in his mid-forties and hadn’t let go of his high school football dreams of being drafted into the …

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Finding Time for Exercise

Doctor’s recommendations, news reports, and a multitude of research support the benefits of exercise.  A healthy weight, decreased stress, and increased overall mood throughout the day are enticing factors to be attracted to.  A plethora of reasons to exercise to support our overall quality of life can make a list of reasons to invest in …

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Want to play catch?

The sun is out in full force.  The vivid blue sky and toasty weather gracing Napa Valley have finally appeared following a frosty and damp winter.  As the birds begin their concert of raucous cackling and chirping, the cacophony of small children can be heard around our local schools and neighborhood parks. Grimy baseball mitts, …

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Spring Time Dynamic Stretching

The rainy months of the year are subsiding.  Now that we can venture outside, the hills are lush with green grass and tree foliage.  Thanks to three months of steady rain, dust, and grime on the streets look like they have been pressure washed.   Majestic songbirds flutter throughout the sky, enjoying the blossoming pink plum …

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Moving Side to Side and Front to Back

Curbs, steps, speedbumps, and roots causing sidewalk cracks have a purpose in the functionality of our society.  Sidewalk curbs create a location for our automobiles to park next to as not to disturb walking patrons.  Speedbumps made of asphalt and painted with white or striped yellow give the message to drivers to slow down.  Otherwise, …

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