“If I’m going out, I’m going out riding a dragon.” This is one of my favorite quotes regarding dedicating a day of treating myself to my favorite “guilty pleasure”: decadent food. After a week’s worth of clean eating, practicing healthy lifestyle habits, playing competitive pickleball three times per week, and participating in meticulously designed exercise …
Category: hip pain
Aug 31
Risk of Falling: Get a Grip
“Taking a digger,” “getting up close and personal with the stairs,” or “eating it” are comical phrases when relating to an event where gravity got the best of us, causing us to fall. Typically, these humorous situations can be laughed off and we can live as if nothing happened. Falls could be a simple trip …
Jun 05
Daily Hydration Tactics
“How much water should I be drinking?” After completing a seventy-five-minute training session, one of our personal training clients, Ken, asked. “How much do you normally drink each day?” I replied. “Oh, about two of these.” Ken said after holding up a twenty-ounce portable water container. Before delving in further to a conversation covering advanced …
Apr 08
Back Pain Solutions
Napa’s Highway 29 serves as a central transportation system for local Napans to travel north and south throughout the valley. Reasons for travel might include heading to work up valley in St. Helena or Calistoga, heading south into Napa from St. Helena to drop kids off at school, or for tourists utilizing travel agencies and …
Jun 28
Injury Prevention for the Trip of a Lifetime
“Take life by the horns.” A phrase some of the most inspirational people live by. The ability to accomplish tremendous feats in life are cherished by many ambitious people. Summiting Mt. Fuji, diving in the great barrier reef of Australia, or taking an ice breaker to visit Antarctica are just a few samples of milestones …
Mar 08
Keep Exercise Routines from Getting Stale
Having time on your hands after a long career and a slew of grandkids can be a blessing. However, after those years of working hard are over, the mind can become complacent. Who needs exercises anyway? Perhaps you’ve proven that after a successful 40 plus year career without injury or illness, you know what you’re …
Jan 11
Posture Makes Perfect
“Is there anything you can do to help this pain in my neck.” This is a common request that comes from our newer personal training clients just starting one of our exercise prescriptions. This comment is usually paired with the participant turning around and showing me the spot that hurts. As they struggle to reach …
Dec 16
The Importance of Standing Up
I visited my grandpa at his assisted living center last week. He was elated to see my face because his assisted living community was prohibited from public visits due to COVID restrictions. As we chatted about what projects he was tinkering with and the social interactions he had with his fellow residents, he mentioned a …
Oct 29
Get Your Sleep and Thrive
Our everyday lifestyle habits lead to a day that uses a specific amount of energy from our human fuel tanks. This fuel comes in the form of physical energy, emotions, and decision-making capabilities. By the end of the day, we feel tired and are ready to wind down. This is our body’s built in mechanism …
Apr 10
Staying Mobile during “Shelter in Place”
During holidays, we sit down with our families for a full day to catch up on a years’ worth of each other’s lives. 4-day weekends including holidays like Thanksgiving influence our culture to sit down, relax, and sleep in more than a usual day. As shelter in place restrictions influence society to stay indoors to …