Category: Knee Pain Napa

Sciatica Struggles

“You don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone.”  It couldn’t have been said any better than when I listened to the 80’s hair band playing this song out of the Alpine speakers in my stepdads car on the way to school many moons ago.  When I have a headache, upset stomach, or a bad …

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Upper Body Strength and Quality of LIfe

After a long week of work, chores, and the demands of being a human in today’s society, the weekends gifts us with a few extra hours to sit back and relax.  Kicking your feet up and tuning into a ball game is just one of the many bonuses the slower-paced Saturdays and Sundays allows.  There …

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Back Pain and Everyday Life

The trials and tribulations of life present themselves in various ways where we can expect to prepare for them or randomly when we least expect it.  Our society consistently manages the scales of financial status, human relations, and psychological health.  A few top contributors requiring a substantial amount of time include paying the bills, maintaining …

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Procrastination and Exercise

The resident mockingbirds camping out in the neighborhood trees can be heard performing a symphony of bird songs.  Your bedroom window is slightly cracked, allowing the crisp and refreshing morning summer air to flow over your face as you slowly regain consciousness from a good night’s sleep.  As you notice the light becoming brighter shining …

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Hot Summers and Hydration

As I drive north bound up Highway 29, I always take a deep breath and notice how nice I have it.  Vineyards lace the countryside with a gradient of vibrant green and umber rows of grape vines.  The eastern hills offer majestic rocky formations below the tip of the Stag’s Leap hiking trail.  To the …

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Pain Reduction and Exercise Adherence

Shedding a few pounds to prepare for a desired aesthetic appearance before a beach trip to the Amalfi coast in a few months, increasing lean muscle mass, or decreasing circulating cholesterol or insulin levels because the doctor said so, making a trip to the gym covers a lot of ground to enhance a human’s overall …

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Challenges in Finding Time to Exercise

Doctor’s recommendations, news reports, and a multitude of research support the benefits of exercise.  A healthy weight, decreased stress, and increased overall mood throughout the day are enticing factors to be attracted to.  A plethora of reasons to exercise to support our overall quality of life can make a list of reasons to invest in …

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Hiking is Medicine

“Wait, stop.  Can you hear that?”  Standing at the end of the quarter-mile hike up to the peak of Westwood Hills in Napa, my friend instructed me to halt my steps and listen.  A wide-eyed look of bewilderment formed on my face, “Hear what?” I replied.  She looked at me with a smile of satisfaction, …

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Healthy Choices on Business Trips

It’s my first time visiting Denver, Colorado, for a continuing education trip to enlighten a few of my fellow coaches and me to become smarter, more skillful, and better informed on the best practices in the cutting-edge research being presented at the ACSM fitness conference.  Honing my skills as a fitness professional, mentor, and consultant …

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Shrugging Off Shoulder Pain

“Back in ’82, I could throw a football a quarter mile.  How much you wanna bet I can throw this football over them mountains?”  Uncle Rico, a character in the movie Napolean Dynamite, stated this.  Rico was in his mid-forties and hadn’t let go of his high school football dreams of being drafted into the …

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