Category: Knee Rehabilitation Napa

Grip strength as we age

Opening jars, turning a set of keys to the deadbolt to our homes, or just picking up bulky items throughout our day; hand movements make our lives functional.  The unique organization of fingers and thumbs at the end of our arms gifts us the ability to type, use our phones, drive, and make food.  Opposable …

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Carving out time to exercise

Time isn’t just the name of my favorite Pink Floyd song.  It’s not just a digital number changing digits on our phones when look to see where we are in our day.  The interactions, significant emotional events, and energy spent on the various experiences in our lives are what fill these brackets separated by seconds, …

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Becoming a Recreational Athlete

Physical activity has been a facet of survival and progression throughout our existence as the human race.  Building houses and farming are examples of staples in our physical activities we have conducted through the millennia which propelled society to function efficiently as it does today.  The physically stressing demands of constructing structures and performing the …

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Tight Hips=Tight Back

Our veteran client, Freddy, was beginning his weekly exercise routine.  He expressed his back was feeling tight.  He immediately knelt with his back facing an exercise bench.  Putting one foot on the bench and the other foot positioned in front of him as if he were genuflecting in a position meant to stretch his quadriceps …

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Fitness Preparation for an Event

One of our aspiring young coaches recently completed an ultra-endurance event known as the Spartan Race.  This is an event that includes eight miles of professionally designed obstacles one would see in a military boot.  The only difference is a creative twist with the addition of obstacles including long distances of monkey bars, ice cold …

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We all have enough time for exercise

Time is a piece of reality in life we can’t fully control.  After reading the previous sentence, that moment will be stored in the archives of history along with the many other events we have participated in throughout our lives.  The idea of time can be limiting for us.  We have twenty-four hours in our …

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How Does Stretching Make you FEEL?

Flexibility and mobility are terms that contribute to an efficient, pain free, and productive body. Functions such as reaching over the head to acquire objects, bending down to pick objects off the ground, or rotating the torso to get in and out of cars are common movements that require joints to be able to move …

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ABC’s: Feet, Stability, and Balance Exercises

Last week, we reviewed the young Olympic phenom, Simone Biles and her ability to display the extents at which the human body can move in various presentations of imbalance.  We concluded that Simone is a generational phenom of athletic performance that arises once a decade to set new world records in sports.  While the rest …

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Why do I have poor balance?

The Olympic gymnastics anomaly, Simone Biles, put on another spectacle of elite human performance at the recent Olympic trials.  Events such walking along the balance beam with precise steps, like that of a dove hopping along a telephone line, seems as simple a task as brushing her teeth.  As she bounces off the ground to …

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Healthy Knees and Strong Hips

A productive and enjoyable experience to our everyday lives is what most of us strive to achieve after we wake up in the morning.  A critically important factor to a fulfilling day is our physical well-being.  We can have a to-do list with the power to supercharge our world.  However, we cannot make these life-enhancing …

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