Training to improve balance is commonly overlooked. Strong core, running, and getting steps in to fill activity rings in your favorite wearable technology are popular topics to talk about. However, presentations of imbalance pose a serious threat to populations living with previous injuries, decreased fitness levels, and advanced age. Deficiencies in the ability to maintain …
Category: Knee Rehabilitation Napa
Feb 02
Post Retirement Fitness Routine
Having time on your hands after a long career and a slew of grandkids can be a blessing. However, after those years of working hard are over, the mind can become complacent. Who needs exercises anyway? Perhaps you’ve proven that after a successful 40 plus year career without injury or illness, you know what you’re …
Jan 27
Rainy Day Exercise
Our glorious holiday season has wrapped up as December shifts to the beginning of January. Historically, January offers grey and cloudy skies. Peering out the window, we aren’t granted the bright blue sky and warm days we get in spring and summer. The cold, foggy morning brings us consistent bouts of rain. Bleak wet environments …
Dec 24
Keep the Kids Moving
The innovation of electronic devices in our lives has brought us a long way. Television is a tradition in which we watch our favorite shows, receive updates on current events, cheer for our favorite sports team, and use as an entertainment mechanism for our children. The ever-evolving cell phone acts as a peripheral brain. Not …
Dec 16
The Importance of Standing Up
I visited my grandpa at his assisted living center last week. He was elated to see my face because his assisted living community was prohibited from public visits due to COVID restrictions. As we chatted about what projects he was tinkering with and the social interactions he had with his fellow residents, he mentioned a …
Dec 10
Holiday Strength and Conditioning
Thanksgiving and the holiday season are fast approaching. Many traditions take place this time of year where we celebrate the last month and enter in to next 12 months. 2021, here we come. Along with holiday festivities of reuniting with friends and family, eating copious amount of decadent holiday food, and traveling, comes a critical …
Nov 25
Exercises to Perform in the Car
My pickleball partner and I travel various places to get some games in against other players. We also travel via plane and lengthy distances in our cars to compete in tournaments. The result is always worth it. We get some much-needed physical activity in and refine our craft by fine tuning our skills in the …
Oct 29
Get Your Sleep and Thrive
Our everyday lifestyle habits lead to a day that uses a specific amount of energy from our human fuel tanks. This fuel comes in the form of physical energy, emotions, and decision-making capabilities. By the end of the day, we feel tired and are ready to wind down. This is our body’s built in mechanism …
Aug 25
Unbalanced Situations
Balance is a component of fitness that isn’t touched on until the realization that suboptimal balance affects our lives. We need balance for many activities in our everyday lives to be productive. Once balance is taken from someone, movement is significantly impaired. Simple movements like getting out of the car, walking around the neighborhood, gardening …
Jul 16
“Dad, can you play catch with me?”
It’s an immaculate Sunday morning. The weather has been starting off in the high 50’s and fluctuating into the low 60’s as you open your eyes and arise from your slumber. As the summer solstice of June yields the longest day of the year over the weekend, birds can be heard performing a symphony of …