The multitude of chores involved in our everyday lives can be challenging to muster up the gumption to complete. The walnut tree in the backyard may have sprinkled its leaves on the ground throughout the winter rains and need to be raked up and stored in the compost bin. A few chipped-off pieces of paint …
Category: Knee Rehabilitation Napa
Jan 11
A New Year of Strength… Where do we Begin?
The first week of the 2024 calendar year has been successfully recorded. For a local commercial gym employee, this could be one of the most stimulating weeks of the season. A young front desk representative is likely to observe the flood of excited humans eager to achieve their New Year’s resolution fitness goals come flooding …
Jan 04
New Years Fitness Routines for Beginners
The holiday season features a multitude of cultural festivities centered around spending time with loved ones, taking time off to be thankful for what the world has granted us, and enjoying holiday-themed treats is coming to an end. The new year 2024 is just around the corner and symbolizes a fresh start to many important …
Dec 27
Fortifying Knee Stability and Strength
“We’re pretty much diagnosed with arthritis after we turn thirty,” was a phrase one of my mentors consistently said to me, his peers, and patients throughout my internship experience. As a decorated physical therapist with an esteemed reputation in the medical community, this man who had over forty years of practicing as a physical therapist …
Dec 20
Avoid pain when sitting long periods of time
I had the privilege of attending a pro pickleball tournament last weekend in San Clemente. Along with the immaculate sixty-five-to-seventy-degree weather, cloud-free blue skies, and the view of the southern California Pacific Ocean visible from the hillside from the tournament venue, I got to see my favorite professional athletes compete in the “granddaddy” of pickleball …
Dec 15
Holiday Leftovers-Portion Control
The magnificent spread of Thanksgiving food dishes we recently shared with our family, friends, and loved ones displays an image of food akin to a celebration one might see at a royal wedding. Mashed potatoes are laced with butter, heavy whipping cream, and sour cream, and for those of us who want to apply more …
Dec 01
Managing Weight Gain Over The Holidays
The last two months of the year lay claim to the most relaxing times. Gatherings of friends, families, and loved ones occur frequently throughout our society as the year comes to a close. Along with the joy the end of the year brings and the anticipation the new year has on the horizon, people come …
Nov 16
Muscles of Scapular Stabilization: Take Care of your Shoulder Blades
Gymnasts have some of the most impressive body mechanics in the athletic world. Standing on top of a thin beam with their arms projected out elegantly, their legs are positioned in a precise manner to ensure an undisturbed sense of balance, their back maintains an upright position demonstrating anatomical alignment, their head sits atop their …
Nov 08
Lower Back Pain Solutions 101- Pelvic Tilt Exercises
Lower back pain is one of the most common physically debilitating ailments experienced in today’s society. Symptoms such as pressure and tightness in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine affect the population in a variety of presentations. Dull pain in the lower back when getting out of bed in the morning, stiffness when …
Nov 03
Returning to Exercise After Getting Sick
Enduring a bout of sickness is one of the least desirable states of existence to be in. Whether it be food poisoning, a bout of the latest strain of the coronavirus, or the newest edition of the flu floating around in the air, coming down with an infection that hinders our physical well-being affects our …