“That’s just bad math,” my physics professor told me as I struggled to finalize a lengthy equation for calculating potential energy in one of our laboratory experiments. “Use PEMDAS,” she chirped at me, slightly annoyed. I recalled the fourth-grade lesson on multiplying numbers of more than two digits, long division, and the introduction of the …
Category: Napa Nutrtition
Sep 19
The Art of Putting on our Underwear and Everyday Functionality
“They all put their underwear the same way,” my high school football coach proclaimed during his pre-game motivational speech. This seemingly off-topic comment, a nugget of wisdom from our leader, left my teammates and I pondering its relevance to our upcoming game against Vallejo High School. We were preparing to face a team known for …
Sep 10
Foundations in Health with Fitness Education
Health and fitness awareness is positively evolving society’s outlook on the benefits of living active lives. The advancements of smartwatches not only offer the properties of our beloved phones, which can be talked into, interact with for business decisions, and peer through various apps, but also track our activity levels, such as how many steps …
Aug 23
How to Fall
The risk of falling introduces itself in a multitude of ways including deconditioned fitness levels, harsh external environments, or, what most of us are concerned about as we tack on another decade to our lives, the advancement of age and deterioration of balance. A foot catching the end of an area rug, slipping off of …
Jul 26
Making Unhealthy Food Decisions a Sacred Experience
A hidden treasure exists in Napa Valley in the form of a twelve-inch piece of cooked dough produced by R+D Kithcen’s take-out menu. Better known as Hawaiin-style pizza, this masterpiece of American-Italian fusion displays a pillowy, yet structurally sound, dough that has been meticulously measured out by the R+D culinary team that creates an identical …
Jul 17
Exercising in the Heat of the Summer
The nights are hot, people are sporting tank tops in the morning, and flip-flops have replaced the usual foot attire for the standard grocery store visits. As temperatures rise to the mid to upper nineties later in the afternoon and kids on summer vacation run rampant as raucous laughter fills the streets, we know it’s …
May 23
Choosing the Best Foods at the Right Times
Eating decisions can create resolutions to circumstances that make us feel better and more productive. Weight loss, gaining lean muscle mass, and fending off illness are commonly sought-after purposes of adhering to healthy eating habits. Maintaining an optimal weight for our body type assists in managing a healthy fat mass to lean muscle mass ratio. …
May 16
Postural Awareness Increases Productivity
The spinal cord is an elongation of our brain consisting of a series of hollow bones stacked on top of each other. These bony structures are our vertebrae. Spanning from the base of the skull down to the buttocks, each vertebra possesses a hollow cylinder-like interior meant to encase and protect the spinal cord. Consisting …
Apr 24
Benefits of Physical Balance and How to Improve it
Commonly defined as the even distribution of different elements in correct proportions, balance appears in various presentations throughout our everyday functions. Whether it be juggling timelines of making deadlines as work, struggling to figure out where we’re going to be at what part of the day to attend meetings, or ensuring the digital numbers in …
Apr 05
Fitting Enough Protein in your Diet
Building strength, reinforcing the structural integrity of connective tissue holding our bones together at the joints, or improving human performance in our everyday quality of life are just a few goals commonly sought out by individuals investing their time and energy into a dedicated fitness program. A widely understood concept in today’s knowledge base of …