“10 years ago, I would have caught that ball!” As my softball teammate cursed at himself, letting a fly ball sail past his reach. My teammate compared himself to how the younger version of himself playing little league baseball. Spry, young, energetic, and unhindered by injuries and the stresses of life. Perhaps a sedentary lifestyle …
Category: Older Adult Exercise Napa
Jun 19
Popular Exercise Trends as Time Goes On
As we age, we enjoy various forms of physical activities to keep us occupied and fulfilled. It’s fun to engage in a pickup game of basketball, softball, or tennis. However, as decades go on, we can find ourselves less entertained with activities we embraced 10 or 20 years ago. From year 20 to 80 years …
Jun 11
Eccentric Exercises: Less is More!
We all remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. If you haven’t, go ahead and grab a kid’s version of The Tortoise and the Hare from the Napa County Library and you’ll find out the origination of the term “slow and steady wins the race.” As an ambassador of lifetime fitness with a …
May 27
Here’s to a Fit and Healthy Memorial Day!
Monday May 27th marks Memorial Day, a day of homage that we pay our respects to the departed brave people of the military who have served our country through the generations to make our nation great. Part of this tradition is to express our joy and exuberance participating in parties and BBQs with friends and …
May 21
Fitness in Napa: Exercise is Medicine
The general population is faced with cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases, the overweight epidemic, and the advancement of age. Incorrect management of these factors and lead us to less enjoyable lives. The threat of high blood pressure, prediabetic conditions, high body mass index (BMI), and high cholesterol levels lead people to turn to medication from the …
May 14
DIY Home Workouts!
Napa’s local gyms offer benefits to many of the town’s inhabitants. Synergy, Health Quest, and INSHAPE offer small group fitness classes at various times throughout the day. These classes are led by certified fitness professionals that guide participants through a unique array of exercises including high intensity interval training (HIIT), Yoga, and step aerobics. These …
Apr 23
Warming Up Will Decrease Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
Exercise assists the functionality of our bodies in our lives. Examples include being able to pick up heavier objects, giving us the ability to help our friends move things, or improving our balance. Regular exercise also helps to decrease the likelihood of injury such as strengthening ankle joints to avoid rolled ankles or improving back …
Apr 11
Stretching for Injuries: Solutions for Napa Gym Participants
Injuries are no fun. They occur from unexpected moments and can put us on the sideline of activities we enjoy. Many of our personal training clients in Napa seek out our guidance on how to efficiently recover from a muscular or joint injury so they can return to their normal extracurricular physical activities. A common …
Mar 25
Struggles with Motivation: Finding Motivation to Exercise
While playing 3 hours of Pickle Ball, one of my favorite forms of physical activity, I met a gentleman who came to scope out what the game was all about. He had his toddler with him enjoying the beautiful weather of a bright, sun-filled Sunday late morning. My fellow Pickle Ballers invited the gentleman to …
Feb 28
How to Address Fitness Plateaus
Weight loss, injury prevention and building full body strength are popular fitness goals Napa gym goers frequently pursue. There are obvious benefits to our everyday lives in obtaining an optimal fitness level. Looking and feeling better, thinking clearer, and being more productive are some of the many facets of pursing life time fitness goals that …