Category: Senior Strength Classes

Going on Walking Dates for Physical and Emotional Health

The never-ending hamster wheel of stress hits us from all angles in portions of our lives where we spend most of our time.  An example might include spending eight to ten hours per day devoting our time and energy to our jobs, whether on our computers, phones, commuting in the car, or parked in chairs …

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Avoiding Exercises That Hurt

“How’d you feel after the last workout?” I asked Thor, one of our long-time personal training clients, before beginning his first of two weekly training sessions.  “I feel pretty good except for some knee pain I’m experiencing.” I looked at Thor with a gaze of concern as he continued sharing how his body reacted from …

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Building Lean Muscles and Insulin Management

The storage of excess fat mass and metabolic conditions such as pre-diabetes can produce undesirable events in our everyday life functionality.  Not only does excess fat mass create threatening environments within our cardiovascular system, but carrying around more weight than our body can manage due to a surplus of fat mass combined with deconditioned fitness …

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Slower Exercise to Recover and Keep Going

“I’m not sure I should come in for my training session today.  I might have lifted something the wrong way when I was bending down to prune my roses.  Now, I have some tightness and pain in my lower back and right side of my hip.  What do you recommend?” read one of the emails …

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Exercise Adherence to Mitigate Hip Pain

Relatively simple movements one would think we should be able to do every day without even thinking about it include squatting down to pick objects off from the ground, standing up from a seated position, or ascending stairs.  These everyday functional movements depend on optimally conditioned hip joints.  Consisting of a ball and socket joint …

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Staying fit throughout the end of the year

November brings chilly days with less sunlight than we’re used to in the summer months.  Adjusting our clocks back one hour sets the tone for the official start of stepping foot into the winter months.  Driving home from work, embracing a naturally lit street powered by the sun is now replaced by the glow of …

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Optimal Posture While Sitting

Imagine living without tables, desks, or work benches.  Throw in the twist of removing an automobile that we sit down in to take us to our desired location in minutes.  Just for fun, put yourself in a fantasy world where the revolution of cell phones never crossed the mind of the brilliant inventors who created …

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Exercise is Boring

A visit to the dentist, a routine physical with your doctor, or a mind-numbing Zoom meeting with team members at the workplace is a less-than-enticing setting for some of us to participate in.  Who wants to sit in a dentist’s chair with their mouth wide open and have their gums prodded with foreign metal instruments?  Additionally, …

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The Art of Putting on our Underwear and Everyday Functionality

“They all put their underwear the same way,”  my high school football coach proclaimed during his pre-game motivational speech.  This seemingly off-topic comment, a nugget of wisdom from our leader, left my teammates and I pondering its relevance to our upcoming game against Vallejo High School.   We were preparing to face a team known for …

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How to Fall

The risk of falling introduces itself in a multitude of ways including deconditioned fitness levels, harsh external environments, or, what most of us are concerned about as we tack on another decade to our lives, the advancement of age and deterioration of balance.  A foot catching the end of an area rug, slipping off of …

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