Category: Strength and Conditioning Napa

Protein Shakes, How Important are They? : Weight Loss, Lean Muscle Gains, Convenience, and Healthy Alternatives

Protein shakes these days receive a lot of attention due to the high amount of protein in a very small serving size.  Protein shakes consist of protein powder which is purchased in the form of a large container of about 30 servings.  One serving is about 20 to 30 grams of protein and comes in …

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Adding Variety to your Core Training Program while utilizing the Posterior Pelvic Tilt: Eccentric Leg Lifts!

  Exercises that support your abdominal muscles in the supine position can be a very safe and useful way to train the musculature of your core and trunk region.  One of the reasons why performing a core exercise in the supine position is because you must learn to properly utilize a posterior pelvic tilt while …

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Core Muscle Endurance and Strengthening: Medicine Ball Pull Through

The Medicine Ball Pull Through exercise is a great core exercise to add into your program to develop strength in the rotary muscles of the center and trunk region of the body.  Performing this exercise will not only be a strong exercise for the core, but is a great exercise for the arms, shoulders,  glutes …

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Should you take a day off from your normal training routine when you’re not feeling your best and just wait for the next day? No.

A hot topic that has been brought to my attention time and time again from clients is if they are not feeling 100% up to training on a day that they want to train should they take a day off or not.  Perhaps they had a long day at work. Maybe they had to work …

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