Category: Training and Fitness

Breakfast! The Most Important Meal of the Day!

Breakfast is sometimes stated to be one of the most important meals of the day.  There is a lot of truth to this statement.  The first meal of people’s day is a breakfast type meal like cereal, eggs or something on the run like a breakfast granola bar… most of the time.  While there are …

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Push Ups and Planks are Hard!  Always Room for Improvement!

  Planks and Push Ups are forms of exercise in which one holds themselves up in a prone position.  The prone position of the body is when the front of the body is facing the ground or laying face down on the ground.  Supporting oneself in this position requires a particular set of coordination and …

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Fitness with your Kids: Stay Young at Heart!

So obviously if you’ve clicked on the link to look at this blog post, you have some fascination with exercising with your children.  You are more than likely either a parent, sibling, aunt/uncle, baby sitter or possibly a teacher.  Well, if you clicked on this link, you’re pretty awesome at your relationship with the youngsters …

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La Crosse Ball Hip Self Massage Techniques!

The hip joint can be a troublesome area for a lot of people.  There are times when hip pain can really impede the progress of a person’s day.  Common symptoms of hip pain can be tight hip flexors, sciatica, or tight IT bands on the sides of the leg.  A great way to alleviate that …

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Bored? Reached a Plateau? Do Resistance training and cardio equally for better results!

There is a 3 headed approach to why some people are not getting fit and trimmed and fed up with their work outs not having any results.  Poor results lead to a decrease in motivation and physical activity.   The three reasons are: Not enough cardio, Too much specialized training And not enough heavy lifting. One …

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The Shoulder Blade: An Important part of the Body that is Easily Overlooked

One of the most important parts our bodies as humans are our arms.  We use our arms for tons of stuff throughout the day.  Our arms function to cook, brush our teeth, bring a coffee cup up to our lips and even to type on a key board (like I am doing right now).  Now, …

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Pigeon Stretch: Why it’s so good!

The pigeon stretch is a great stretch for a number of reasons.  This stretching movement can help increase mobility of the hip, improve the effectiveness of your exercise routines and decrease the likelihood of hip injuries while solving hip pain issues.  The “pigeon” stretch is traditionally a stretch that assists with external rotation of the …

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Dynamic Stretching Before Doing your Chores!

Chores.  Chores around the house.  Chores in the back yard.  Chores in the front yard.  Chores in the side yard.  Dishes, laundry, sweeping, raking, picking annoying little things up off the ground that you have procrastinated doing for the last 3 weeks.  Maybe the refrigerator needs to be cleaned out too?  That spilled beer/milk combination …

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Back Strengthening for Desk Workers

  I work with a lot individuals who work at desks all day to make a living.  While sitting at a desk, sometimes we forget about how sitting for prolonged periods of time can affect our bodies.  It’s not like we don’t know that sitting down in the same position will cause pain to our …

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Elastic Band Training Vs. Free Weight Training: What’s better?

Elastic Band Training Vs. Free Weight Training: What’s better? Elastic resistance offers a variety of benefits to any training program.  The use of elastic resistance can be beneficial for injury prevention, sports performance enhancement and general resistance training.  Elastic resistance bands are also inexpensive and convenient.  In some cases elastic resistance has been shown to …

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