Category: Travel Fitness

Spring Time Dynamic Stretching

The rainy months of the year are subsiding.  Now that we can venture outside, the hills are lush with green grass and tree foliage.  Thanks to three months of steady rain, dust, and grime on the streets look like they have been pressure washed.   Majestic songbirds flutter throughout the sky, enjoying the blossoming pink plum …

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Being Healthy Pays Off

Two of our full-time coaches called in sick a few weeks ago.  With a slew of clients eager to achieve their weekly and bi-weekly training sessions, myself and the remaining coaches, unhindered by the season’s illnesses, put in some extra hours to accommodate our beloved personal training clients.  The standard eight-hour day of coaching cascaded …

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Fit for Travel

Our world offers majestic mountain ranges, azure and sapphire oceans, and unique cultures, offering us awe-inspiring food and human interactions.  We have a seemingly unlimited number of options for those of us possessing a strong desire to explore the world.  How people interact with each other, eat, and function in every life is unique to …

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How Does Stretching Make you FEEL?

Flexibility and mobility are terms that contribute to an efficient, pain free, and productive body. Functions such as reaching over the head to acquire objects, bending down to pick objects off the ground, or rotating the torso to get in and out of cars are common movements that require joints to be able to move …

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BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)

“I have a few big, hairy, audacious goals.”  These profound adjectives presented before the word “goals” caught my attention as I was meeting with a new personal training client.  “I call them BHAGs.  I use them as a tool to achieve my sales quota for my job.  If I don’t set those goals for myself, …

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Injury Prevention for the Trip of a Lifetime

“Take life by the horns.”  A phrase some of the most inspirational people live by.  The ability to accomplish tremendous feats in life are cherished by many ambitious people.  Summiting Mt. Fuji, diving in the great barrier reef of Australia, or taking an ice breaker to visit Antarctica are just a few samples of milestones …

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Give Pain Your Full Attention

Hinges, knobs, handles, screws, nuts, and bolts are instruments used throughout our daily lives.  We see them as we open doors to our homes and cars.  Metal hinges held on by screws attaching doors to planks of wood ensure a door operates efficiently.  Handles attached to our kitchen utensil drawers are fastened by screws.  The …

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Rainy Day Exercise

Our glorious holiday season has wrapped up as December shifts to the beginning of January.  Historically, January offers grey and cloudy skies.  Peering out the window, we aren’t granted the bright blue sky and warm days we get in spring and summer.  The cold, foggy morning brings us consistent bouts of rain.  Bleak wet environments …

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Posture Makes Perfect

“Is there anything you can do to help this pain in my neck.”  This is a common request that comes from our newer personal training clients just starting one of our exercise prescriptions.  This comment is usually paired with the participant turning around and showing me the spot that hurts.  As they struggle to reach …

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Staying Mobile during “Shelter in Place”

During holidays, we sit down with our families for a full day to catch up on a years’ worth of each other’s lives.  4-day weekends including holidays like Thanksgiving influence our culture to sit down, relax, and sleep in more than a usual day.  As shelter in place restrictions influence society to stay indoors to …

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