Tag: Alcohol Treatment Napa

Have a RAD Day! (Reduced Alcohol Day)

Ahhh yes, alcohol. The beloved beverage that creates a time of relief, joy, excitement and just serves as that catalyst of having a good time. There’s beer, wine, mixed drinks…your Moscow Mule, Cosmopolitan, Dark and Stormy, Whiskey over the Rocks. How many times have we heard, “Wow, that sounds like a stressful day.  Here’s some …

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The Benefits of Exercise over Alcohol to Improve Confidence!

The benefits of exercise remain a critical component in improving our wellness in life. Progression in staying healthy and injury-free, improving ones overall fitness, and improving overall quality of life is a clear byproduct of putting in time and energy to a structured exercise routine. One technique for improving Life Time Fitness that we do …

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Alcohol Free Days, AKA “AFD’s”

Everyone wants to go out for a drink with their friends every now and then. It’s always nice to celebrate the end of a long work week with a tasty alcoholic beverage such as the one of the finest glasses of wine from the Napa Valley, a delicious craft IPA, or an awesome cocktail from …

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