Tag: diabetes napa

Managing Weight Gain Over The Holidays

The last two months of the year lay claim to the most relaxing times.    Gatherings of friends, families, and loved ones occur frequently throughout our society as the year comes to a close.  Along with the joy the end of the year brings and the anticipation the new year has on the horizon, people come …

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Lower Back Pain Solutions 101- Pelvic Tilt Exercises

Lower back pain is one of the most common physically debilitating ailments experienced in today’s society.  Symptoms such as pressure and tightness in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine affect the population in a variety of presentations.  Dull pain in the lower back when getting out of bed in the morning, stiffness when …

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Staying Active to Reduce Stress

“I’ve been busy” Is a common term in response to the question “How’s life been?”  Our everyday lives include a plethora of activities that keep us occupied.  Whether it be the busy life of a parent, forty-plus hours a week of dedication to our jobs, or a sleep-deprived student staring at a pile of assignments …

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Fun and Safe Exercises to Keep you Going

Light gray clouds brush across the sky during the brisk, damp winter mornings of Napa as we enter the year’s closing months.  “This year just flew by,” can be heard from our peers when Halloween concludes.  Following the celebration of dressing up in creative costumes and as the trick-or-candy hits the clearance rack at grocery …

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Visits to your Local Gyms, Don’t Forget to Warm Up

Most towns have local membership-driven gyms.  Exercise participants can simply approach the front desk associates upon entry, zap their gym cards, and waltz into a vast ocean of gym equipment strewn before them.  Our society is fortunate to have this resource available.  Local gyms offer an exercise environment where participants can enter at their own …

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Sciatica Struggles

“You don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone.”  It couldn’t have been said any better than when I listened to the 80’s hair band playing this song out of the Alpine speakers in my stepdads car on the way to school many moons ago.  When I have a headache, upset stomach, or a bad …

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Upper Body Strength and Quality of LIfe

After a long week of work, chores, and the demands of being a human in today’s society, the weekends gifts us with a few extra hours to sit back and relax.  Kicking your feet up and tuning into a ball game is just one of the many bonuses the slower-paced Saturdays and Sundays allows.  There …

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Hot Summers and Hydration

As I drive north bound up Highway 29, I always take a deep breath and notice how nice I have it.  Vineyards lace the countryside with a gradient of vibrant green and umber rows of grape vines.  The eastern hills offer majestic rocky formations below the tip of the Stag’s Leap hiking trail.  To the …

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Pain Reduction and Exercise Adherence

Shedding a few pounds to prepare for a desired aesthetic appearance before a beach trip to the Amalfi coast in a few months, increasing lean muscle mass, or decreasing circulating cholesterol or insulin levels because the doctor said so, making a trip to the gym covers a lot of ground to enhance a human’s overall …

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The Basics: Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats

Calories present themselves in many scenarios in our lives.  On the back of any container or package of food at the grocery store, you’ll find the nutrition facts displaying how many calories are in a serving size of the container’s contents.  After consulting with a doctor about our BMI, our doctor might ask us what …

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