Hobbies, traveling, completing weekend projects, and spending time with friends, family, and significant others require the ability to move and interact with the environment around us. Retired and career-driven populations looking to start a family or who are already raising children depend on efficient human movement. Whether it be working on refinishing a side table …
Tag: Exercise Instruction Napa
Feb 19
Going on Walking Dates for Physical and Emotional Health
The never-ending hamster wheel of stress hits us from all angles in portions of our lives where we spend most of our time. An example might include spending eight to ten hours per day devoting our time and energy to our jobs, whether on our computers, phones, commuting in the car, or parked in chairs …
Feb 13
Consistent Exercise and Pain Management Keeps the Spine Strong
Generalized “wear and tear” from enduring the stress of life for over fifty years elicits repercussions to our joints. The articular surface of joints can get scuffed after being used for manual labor, the stresses of an athletic career, or recovering from a traumatic injury. As the surface of joints wears down, they become rough …
Feb 07
Take Care of Your Feet
The gift of existing in the world as bipedal organisms puts the human race at the top of the hierarchy in the animal kingdom. With a set of hands with opposable thumbs and the ability to walk, our body’s engineering makes us one of the most sophisticated and successful species on earth. While the skeletal …
Jan 29
Am I Getting Enough Protein in My Diet?
“It’s challenging for me to eat enough protein throughout the day,” shared Nester during his training session. “I’m only one hundred and fifty pounds, and the doctor recommends that I eat about half a gram of protein per pound of body weight.” This would mean that Nester must consume around seventy-five grams of protein throughout …
Jan 23
Avoiding Exercises That Hurt
“How’d you feel after the last workout?” I asked Thor, one of our long-time personal training clients, before beginning his first of two weekly training sessions. “I feel pretty good except for some knee pain I’m experiencing.” I looked at Thor with a gaze of concern as he continued sharing how his body reacted from …
Jan 16
Building Lean Muscles and Insulin Management
The storage of excess fat mass and metabolic conditions such as pre-diabetes can produce undesirable events in our everyday life functionality. Not only does excess fat mass create threatening environments within our cardiovascular system, but carrying around more weight than our body can manage due to a surplus of fat mass combined with deconditioned fitness …
Jan 09
Venturing into 2025 with skillful dietary decisions
We’ve arrived at the quarter century successfully. Starting the new year on a high note is on many people’s minds. Managing finances, learning a new skill, or working toward the bucket list of visiting highly sought-after wonders of the world are a few examples of the monumental achievements people might be motivated to work toward …
Jan 06
Reduce Shoulder Pain with Skillful Exercise Decisions
Upper extremity movements are present in a multitude of events in our everyday lives. Reaching overhead to obtain a coffee mug from a high shelf in the cupboard, rotating and reaching backward to grab hold of a seatbelt and fastening it before disembarking in our cars, or simply putting on a jacket are a few …
Dec 26
Resistance Training and Osteoporosis Management
The six hundred and two bones comprising the human skeleton are sophisticated structures of living tissue. Our bones are key components that allow us to interact with the physically active environments in which we participate in our normal daily lives. Starting from the cellular level, bones are made up of a dense concentration of osteons, …