Tag: Healthy Back Napa

Resistance Training Improves Knee Health

Walking, getting in and out of cars, going up and down stairs, or kneeling to pick up objects are common activities in our everyday lives that our lower extremities allow us to do. However, activities that seem simple enough that someone should be able to do it with their eyes closed can be cut short …

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Foundations in Health with Fitness Education

Health and fitness awareness is positively evolving society’s outlook on the benefits of living active lives. The advancements of smartwatches not only offer the properties of our beloved phones, which can be talked into, interact with for business decisions, and peer through various apps, but also track our activity levels, such as how many steps …

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Is There a Book that Tells you How to Get Old?

“I wish there was an instruction manual that told you how to get old,” expressed Selwyn as we enjoyed a cup of coffee and pastry outside of West Won Bakery.  After catching up after a few months of being too busy to meet up and conduct our usual friendly banter, something that came up with …

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Sciatica: What a Pain in the Butt

The trials and tribulations of every day life present themselves in various ways from the moment we wake up to that restful point in the day when we close our eyes for a good night’s sleep.  Getting to work on time, ensuring the kids have enough money for lunch at school, or completing the latest …

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A Brief Tour of The Core Muscles

The nuts and bolts holding together the framework of houses and buildings create a strong structural integrity to stay upright for a very long time.  Looking at the oldest building in Napa, the Old Adobe building has a framework that lasted well over a hundred years.  A building that was built back in the mid-1800s …

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Reduce Stress by Completing the Hardest Part of Your Day

The stress and demands of everyday life can cause our bodies and minds to endure stress of various degrees.  Clocking in to work for an eight to ten-hour shift, putting out a fire at your job, keeping tabs on our children’s progression in a school, or navigating through the intricate labyrinth of financial logistics to …

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Balance to Correct Imbalances

Balance can be defined as the even distribution of weight in which an object can stay upright.  A human’s ability to possess optimal balance is essential to be productive in everyday life.  The skill to correct imbalance is a commonly overlooked theme when lack of balance is an issue to someone’s ability to move.  Losing …

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Holiday Leftovers-Portion Control

The magnificent spread of Thanksgiving food dishes we recently shared with our family, friends, and loved ones displays an image of food akin to a celebration one might see at a royal wedding.  Mashed potatoes are laced with butter, heavy whipping cream, and sour cream, and for those of us who want to apply more …

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Managing Weight Gain Over The Holidays

The last two months of the year lay claim to the most relaxing times.    Gatherings of friends, families, and loved ones occur frequently throughout our society as the year comes to a close.  Along with the joy the end of the year brings and the anticipation the new year has on the horizon, people come …

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Lower Back Pain Solutions 101- Pelvic Tilt Exercises

Lower back pain is one of the most common physically debilitating ailments experienced in today’s society.  Symptoms such as pressure and tightness in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine affect the population in a variety of presentations.  Dull pain in the lower back when getting out of bed in the morning, stiffness when …

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