Once we start making waves in our careers and our lives progress past college, a popular next step is to hunker down and start a family. The times we had to take fitness classes, join a recreational volleyball league, or hit the gym three times per week can quickly fade away due to the obligations …
Tag: Life Time Fitness Napa
Apr 25
Healthy Eating: Blood Sugar Crashes
“ Sugar is the devil.” “I avoid sugar like the plague.” “Sugar is poison to the body.” To a degree, most of these statements pose a compelling argument. However, sugar within our bloodstream is critically important toward the nourishment and functions of the vital organs in our body. If we lack sugars in our blood, our …
Apr 01
Exercise is an anti-depressant
“It gives you those positive endorphin things,” Mara explained after conducting her monthly fitness check-in. An effective question we ask our clients after a 4-week period of regular exercise is, “What results have you experienced from this previous 4-week exercise phase?” Our team of coaches knows to gather this information following a 4-week period of …
Mar 24
A Reminder for Sunny Day Physical Activities
Following the winter solstice a few months ago, we have the privilege to look forward to our longer hours of daylight. We get to experience the sun illuminating the ground sooner in the day and observe the sunset descends below the horizon later in the evening. Daylight savings time is a few days away. The …
Jan 27
Rainy Day Exercise
Our glorious holiday season has wrapped up as December shifts to the beginning of January. Historically, January offers grey and cloudy skies. Peering out the window, we aren’t granted the bright blue sky and warm days we get in spring and summer. The cold, foggy morning brings us consistent bouts of rain. Bleak wet environments …
Dec 28
Can Exercise Help With Stress?
We are living in a period where we are literally being depressed. There are few definitions of the word “depress” when used as a verb. Let’s look at 2 of these terms. The first definition found on Google: “Make someone feel utterly dispirited or rejected.” A second definition: “Reduce speed or activity in something.” Living …
Dec 16
The Importance of Standing Up
I visited my grandpa at his assisted living center last week. He was elated to see my face because his assisted living community was prohibited from public visits due to COVID restrictions. As we chatted about what projects he was tinkering with and the social interactions he had with his fellow residents, he mentioned a …
Nov 18
Shoulder Strength and Functionality
Frequently used kitchen items such as coffee mugs, glass ware, and plates can be found in the cupboards over the countertop in the kitchen. Reaching up to get a mug for drinking coffee, a plate for eating breakfast and dinner, or obtaining a glass for your favorite beverage is an everyday task for most of …
Oct 29
Get Your Sleep and Thrive
Our everyday lifestyle habits lead to a day that uses a specific amount of energy from our human fuel tanks. This fuel comes in the form of physical energy, emotions, and decision-making capabilities. By the end of the day, we feel tired and are ready to wind down. This is our body’s built in mechanism …
Sep 23
Unbalanced Situations
Balance is a component of fitness that isn’t touched on until the realization that suboptimal balance affects our lives. We need balance for many activities in our everyday lives to be productive. Once balance is taken from someone, movement is significantly impaired. Simple movements like getting out of the car, walking around the neighborhood, gardening …