Tag: mental health napa

Alcohol and Life Time Fitness: Pick you Poison

Living in one of the most beautiful areas in the world, wine is embraced a unique part of the Napa Culture.  One of the benefits Napa locals have within arm’s reach is our world class wine and food scene.  Having a drink with friends or at a networking event is an entertaining experience for many …

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Giving yourself permission for sustainable exercise

The final first month of the new year is coming to an end.   New year’s resolutions are thriving in abundance with the gym goers of Napa becoming happier and fitter.  As the first month of the new year finally wraps up, there is still 11 motivating months to make our lives happier, healthier, and stronger.  …

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Full Body Exercise for any Fitness Level: The Plank

While having a conversation with a computer tech colleague, he inquired about what exercises would be best for him to receive benefits to his health and wellness without having to devote a lot of time to exercise.  The first thought that came to my mind was an exercise we recommend to our personal training clients …

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Balance in Nutrition: Foundation Before Supplements

Nutritional research reveals diets rich in plant-like foods offer a multitude of benefits to the wellbeing and longevity of the human body.  A diet with a strong concentration of fruits and vegetables helps decrease metabolic syndromes, offers cancer fighting properties and supports proper balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.  We are seeing more …

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Mission to Motivate: Doug Ernst

Doug Ernst was a local veteran writer for the Napa Register passed away recently from ALS, a degenerative neurological disease.  I considered Doug a friend, peer and mentor because of the presence imposed to on an audience not only in his writing but speaking in front of a room.  Additionally, Doug was responsible for helping …

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Avoid the “Chore” of Exercise

Losing weight, getting a toned body, decreasing blood pressure, and because the doctor “told you so” are all reasons why we start to exercise.  Perhaps there’s a wedding coming up that triggers the motivation to slip into a wedding dress for that special day.  Maybe it’s your 40th birthday with a trip to the Caribbean …

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Safe Exercises for Joint Health

Stiff, achy and nagging joint pain is something we all deal with in life.  It’s uncomfortable, inconvenient and annoying.  Elbows, hips and knees start to ache as the colder seasons approach.  People even say they can tell when it’s about to rain because of the pressure increase in the air due to the tightness in …

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Staying Fit During the Holiday Season!

Catching up with family, traditional holiday food, and bright lights decorating your neighbors’ houses are a clear sign that the holiday season is in full effect.  With 2019 waiting for us around the corner, the holidays bring one last hurrah before new year’s resolutions are established.  Along with the holiday rituals, the days get dark …

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Pick The Exercises You Like!

  Part of my job as a personal trainer and life time fitness coach in Napa is to create and manage exercise prescriptions for our clients at our fitness studio.  Overseeing numerous fitness programs per month, I also have the privilege of creating my own new and improved exercise prescriptions every 4 weeks.  Just like …

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Removing the Rust of Age with Life Time Fitness

Aging can be an intimidating term.  Our personal training clients in Napa refer to how age effects their lives by saying “I may have slowed a little bit due to my advanced age” or “I might be a little behind because I’m “not as recent’”. The enjoyment of our everyday quality of life shouldn’t be …

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