Tag: mental health napa

The Best Version of Yourself: The Gift of Life Time Fitness

We all live busy lives that require a substantial amount of our time focusing on being the best version of ourselves.  This can be an elite performer for our jobs, being a better parent, or excelling as a student.  These activities can absorb a lot of energy and allow important components of our life hit …

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Life Time Fitness to Replace Anti-Depressants

The stresses of everyday life can debilitate our physical, emotional and mental health. Most stress is sourced from our working climate, quarrels within relationships, or expectations from Hollywood and social media. Stress from these sources cause anxiety including feelings of anxiousness, helplessness, being criticized, being blamed for things, abandonment, or feeling defeated and weak.  Nobody …

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Maintaining Muscle at an Advanced Age

As part of my recreational hobby, I enjoy playing adult slow-pitch softball in Napa, California. I see all different types of gentleman participating in the recreational sport of slow pitch softball that we enjoy so much. Being the fitness professional that I am, I notice various levels of fitness among the participants out on the …

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Longevity in Life Time Fitness: Ginger and Garlic

In a world full of food that is premade, processed, frozen and put in a box that we purchase at grocery stores with our hard-earned money, it’s challenging to get the nutritional benefits we require.  Even at stores promoting healthier food choices, such as Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s, the majority of the aisles contain …

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Efficient and effective… but make it safe!

A commonly discussed weight loss topic among our personal training clients in Napa entails what types of exercise will most efficiently shed fat from the body. Popular themes we see in health and fitness advertisements feature information on performing high intensity interval training(this is also known as HIIT in personal trainer lingo). HIIT is a …

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Stress at Work: Exercise is your Natural Stress Reducing Medicine

There’s an epidemic in today’s society caused by increased stress from our jobs.  This affects the health and wellness of our general population.  Over the past week, I’ve heard a very good piece of advice. When listening to a guest speaker at the Napa Kiwanis group, he said “There is a time in life where …

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4 Pillars of Life Time Fitness: Wellness, The Fitness Continuum, Nutrition… and PLAY!

Improvements in Life Time Fitness include focusing on some major categories that will significantly help benefit one’s health through a regular fitness program. Something that we promote with our Personal Training clients here in Napa, is to focus on something we call The 4 Pillars of Life Time Fitness. Within these pillars, we feature 4 …

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The Benefits of Exercise over Alcohol to Improve Confidence!

The benefits of exercise remain a critical component in improving our wellness in life. Progression in staying healthy and injury-free, improving ones overall fitness, and improving overall quality of life is a clear byproduct of putting in time and energy to a structured exercise routine. One technique for improving Life Time Fitness that we do …

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Alcohol Free Days, AKA “AFD’s”

Everyone wants to go out for a drink with their friends every now and then. It’s always nice to celebrate the end of a long work week with a tasty alcoholic beverage such as the one of the finest glasses of wine from the Napa Valley, a delicious craft IPA, or an awesome cocktail from …

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Why Hire a Personal Trainer?

Personal Training is a service that covers a lot of different aspects of improving oneself in their everyday quality of life. Clients who train at Napa Tenacious Fitness approach us with many different goals, motivations, and reasons to adhere to a supervised training program. Some of these reasons include injury prevention, losing weight and gaining …

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