Maintaining fun and interesting physical activities are important to our everyday life. Failing to stay active results in deterioration of the human body as father time continues tick his clock. Optimal doses of physical activity might include hobbies and projects around the house, recreational activities, or regular exercise. Golf, Pickleball, Tennis, or swimming are common …
Tag: Napa Valley Fitness
Aug 28
Maintaining Fitness on the Road!
For all of you who are in a routine in your lifetime fitness journey when your firing on all cylinders on your path to happy and healthful life, the fitness community of Napa salutes you. Perhaps you’re exercising consistently at the gym or a small group fitness class 3-4 times per week. You hit all …
Aug 11
A “Pain in the Butt”: Alleviating Hip Pain
Activities such as sitting, doing recreational activities or just hanging out with friends and family all seem like normal activities everyone should be able to do. However, when pain arises somewhere in the body, these activities become challenging. A common site of pain in the body is hip tightness. Symptoms such as sciatica creates pain …
Aug 06
The Almighty Knee Joint: Part 2
Last weeks from the “Fit for Life” weekly column featured 3 large muscles attached to the knee and their significance in maintaining the health and structural integrity of our critically important knee joint. This subject received special attention because it could not be condensed into the 800-word limit for this column. As a special, let’s …
Jul 14
Benefits of playing in the water: Aquatic Exercise!
Summer in the Napa Valley is one of the most beautiful times one can ask for. Morning fog rolls in, making it just warm enough to venture outdoors for a morning walk in your t-shirt. The vineyards bearing their fruit preparing to be harvested lace the hills in majestic beauty. Some of the finest restaurants …
Jul 11
Improve Balance and Find your Imbalance
Walking, turning your head, stepping on and off objects. These activities can be more challenging than we think when our sense of balance is disturbed. The regulation of balance perpetually occurs throughout a normal day. Take away an optimal level of balance, we have issues. Once we take one misstep off a curb, trip over …
Jul 04
Exercise before the day begins!
The to do list of daily chores and errands is ever evolving in our roles as responsible human beings. Progressing in life as partners in relationships, parents, throughout careers, or when we retire, we undoubtedly get busier. With time invested into these obligations, the and energy we invest in ourselves to be a good worker, …
Jun 27
Keep Up Your Hobbies to Stay Young at Heart!
“10 years ago, I would have caught that ball!” As my softball teammate cursed at himself, letting a fly ball sail past his reach. My teammate compared himself to how the younger version of himself playing little league baseball. Spry, young, energetic, and unhindered by injuries and the stresses of life. Perhaps a sedentary lifestyle …
Jun 19
Popular Exercise Trends as Time Goes On
As we age, we enjoy various forms of physical activities to keep us occupied and fulfilled. It’s fun to engage in a pickup game of basketball, softball, or tennis. However, as decades go on, we can find ourselves less entertained with activities we embraced 10 or 20 years ago. From year 20 to 80 years …
May 21
Fitness in Napa: Exercise is Medicine
The general population is faced with cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases, the overweight epidemic, and the advancement of age. Incorrect management of these factors and lead us to less enjoyable lives. The threat of high blood pressure, prediabetic conditions, high body mass index (BMI), and high cholesterol levels lead people to turn to medication from the …