Stress puts us in a confined state of mind in which we feel like we have nowhere to go and we stay stuck in stressful states of anger, depression, anxiety. We can find ourselves feeling stagnant at work, sitting or standing for hours. Similar to the way our bodies adapt to become stronger after weeks …
Tag: Napa Valley Fitness
Aug 19
Reasons Personal Trainers are Important!
Personal Training is a service sought out to refine health and fitness. Popular interests in acquiring personal training services include losing weight, gaining lean muscle, and becoming stronger. Creating solutions in developing a fitness program that supports life time fitness goals and avoids injuries is a common reason to reach out for personal training. Maintaining …
Aug 10
“Do I need to do a ton of Cardio?”
Weight loss is one of the leading factors for individuals to begin a fitness program. A common theme is to “burn” fat by performing cardiovascular routines. Our personal training clients in Napa frequently ask the question “Do I need to do a ton of cardio to get rid of fat?” This statement is usually identified …
Aug 06
Exercise as Medicine to Cure and Prevent Diabetes
Adult onset Diabetes is a common occurrence impeding society’s health due to the consumption of sugary foods and decreased physical activity. High glycemic index foods such as breads, crackers and “on-the-go” breakfast bars contribute to the insulin spiking effects that can develop into Diabetes. Lack of physical activity from sedentary professions and stressful lifestyles cause …
Jul 23
Cooking at Home: Get out of the Drive Through Rat Race
Today’s general population struggles with obtaining healthy foods from the store to prepare in the comfort of their own homes. A common problem that we hear from our personal training clients in Napa is that healthy food is expensive and going to the store is drag. People are too busy to make a trip to …
Jul 06
The Best Version of Yourself: The Gift of Life Time Fitness
We all live busy lives that require a substantial amount of our time focusing on being the best version of ourselves. This can be an elite performer for our jobs, being a better parent, or excelling as a student. These activities can absorb a lot of energy and allow important components of our life hit …
Jun 28
Life Time Fitness to Replace Anti-Depressants
The stresses of everyday life can debilitate our physical, emotional and mental health. Most stress is sourced from our working climate, quarrels within relationships, or expectations from Hollywood and social media. Stress from these sources cause anxiety including feelings of anxiousness, helplessness, being criticized, being blamed for things, abandonment, or feeling defeated and weak. Nobody …
Jun 05
Longevity in Life Time Fitness: Ginger and Garlic
In a world full of food that is premade, processed, frozen and put in a box that we purchase at grocery stores with our hard-earned money, it’s challenging to get the nutritional benefits we require. Even at stores promoting healthier food choices, such as Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s, the majority of the aisles contain …
Oct 26
The Art of Omelet Making
Sometimes making your own breakfast can be a bear. It could be challenging to think about what some of the right items to eat would be. However, if you enjoy eggs and fresh vegetables, then this is a great post for you to read. You don’t need many items to create a healthy omelet. In …