Exercise assists the functionality of our bodies in our lives. Examples include being able to pick up heavier objects, giving us the ability to help our friends move things, or improving our balance. Regular exercise also helps to decrease the likelihood of injury such as strengthening ankle joints to avoid rolled ankles or improving back …
Tag: shoulder pain napa
Mar 25
Struggles with Motivation: Finding Motivation to Exercise
While playing 3 hours of Pickle Ball, one of my favorite forms of physical activity, I met a gentleman who came to scope out what the game was all about. He had his toddler with him enjoying the beautiful weather of a bright, sun-filled Sunday late morning. My fellow Pickle Ballers invited the gentleman to …
Feb 24
Life Time Fitness “To Do” and “To Don’t” Lists!
A critical factor of sustaining success in our life time fitness is to prioritize healthy daily practices. These healthy practices can come in the form of eating healthy, having plenty of physical activity and adhering to a positive mental outlook. A useful technique that we teach out personal training clients in Napa is hash out …
Feb 14
Injury Recover Prescriptions
Aches, pains, and injuries occur as we age. We can consider ourselves diagnosed with arthritis at age 30. Arthritic symptoms such as pain in the neck, shoulders, back, hips, knees and wrists are prevalent in our society. Overuse injuries from poor posture in our everyday lives can affect the health of critically significant joints in …
Dec 14
Avoid the “Chore” of Exercise
Losing weight, getting a toned body, decreasing blood pressure, and because the doctor “told you so” are all reasons why we start to exercise. Perhaps there’s a wedding coming up that triggers the motivation to slip into a wedding dress for that special day. Maybe it’s your 40th birthday with a trip to the Caribbean …
Nov 12
Pick The Exercises You Like!
Part of my job as a personal trainer and life time fitness coach in Napa is to create and manage exercise prescriptions for our clients at our fitness studio. Overseeing numerous fitness programs per month, I also have the privilege of creating my own new and improved exercise prescriptions every 4 weeks. Just like …
Jul 16
Shoulder Under Use Injuries: Developing Mindfulness for Improved Shoulder Strength!
Society’s awareness of posture when sitting and standing during everyday activities is commonly overlooked. Some common examples include looking down at our cell phones with our necks bent like a flamingo getting fish out of a pond, standing in line at the grocery store with our toes pointed out leading to the arches of the …
Sep 15
Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injuries: Frozen Shoulder
The rotator cuff in the shoulder joint is a very unique joint that allows range of motion of the arm in various planes of motion. The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint which allows the arm to move in a broad range of motions. Along with the broad range of motions that are involved include …