The spinal cord is an elongation of our brain consisting of a series of hollow bones stacked on top of each other. These bony structures are our vertebrae. Spanning from the base of the skull down to the buttocks, each vertebra possesses a hollow cylinder-like interior meant to encase and protect the spinal cord. Consisting …
Tag: shoulder pain napa
Apr 30
Get a Grip: Hand Strength
Forearms, wrists, fingers, and thumbs are features humans possess that separate us from the upper and lower classes of the animal kingdom. Our ability to grab objects with our hands and manipulate them to produce an environment that benefits us goes hand in hand with the intricate features the human brain offers our everyday functionality. …
Mar 23
New to Exercising, Shoulder Injury Prevention
The third month of the year is coming to an end. For those of us who have embraced the tactic of consistently adhering to a new fitness routine and refining our health as a New Year resolution, the results of exercising regularly are probably starting to show. Following ninety days of exercise one to three …
Jan 24
Piriformis Syndrome, What a Pain in the Rear End
The multitude of chores involved in our everyday lives can be challenging to muster up the gumption to complete. The walnut tree in the backyard may have sprinkled its leaves on the ground throughout the winter rains and need to be raked up and stored in the compost bin. A few chipped-off pieces of paint …
Jan 04
New Years Fitness Routines for Beginners
The holiday season features a multitude of cultural festivities centered around spending time with loved ones, taking time off to be thankful for what the world has granted us, and enjoying holiday-themed treats is coming to an end. The new year 2024 is just around the corner and symbolizes a fresh start to many important …
Nov 16
Muscles of Scapular Stabilization: Take Care of your Shoulder Blades
Gymnasts have some of the most impressive body mechanics in the athletic world. Standing on top of a thin beam with their arms projected out elegantly, their legs are positioned in a precise manner to ensure an undisturbed sense of balance, their back maintains an upright position demonstrating anatomical alignment, their head sits atop their …
Nov 03
Returning to Exercise After Getting Sick
Enduring a bout of sickness is one of the least desirable states of existence to be in. Whether it be food poisoning, a bout of the latest strain of the coronavirus, or the newest edition of the flu floating around in the air, coming down with an infection that hinders our physical well-being affects our …
Oct 26
Staying Active to Reduce Stress
“I’ve been busy” Is a common term in response to the question “How’s life been?” Our everyday lives include a plethora of activities that keep us occupied. Whether it be the busy life of a parent, forty-plus hours a week of dedication to our jobs, or a sleep-deprived student staring at a pile of assignments …
Oct 12
Building Exercise Routines: Never Stop Playing
The never-ending, perpetual downward scrolling of Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok douse our minds with stimulating content like the velocity of water coming out of a ruptured fire hydrant valve. As we scroll through our social media feeds, peering down at the three-by-six screen of our cellular devices, we have the privilege to view whatever content …
Oct 04
Fun Exercise Equals Consistancy
Engaging with the numerous methods of electronic entertainment is a prominent part of our culture. Our phones, tablets, computers, and televisions have become integrated into a uniformed presentation of digital media so that we look at a variety of screens present in our lives at any location and circumstance. Whether it be watching a series …