Tag: shoulder pain napa

Healthy Foods with One Ingredient

Sprinkling lemon, lime, and orange juice on food offers bright and exciting notes of acidity.  The sweetness and crunchiness of carrots, celery, and onions contribute a satisfying and refreshing note when added to a dish in raw and cooked forms.  The juiciness and refined flavor of properly cooked salmon are reminiscent of the scent of …

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Healthy Eating During the Holidays

“A narrow valley between hills or mountains.”  “The action of eating a large amount greedily; fill oneself with food.” The term gorge can be defined in many ways as nouns or verbs.  Regarding overeating and indulging in decadent food, the term “gorge” can fit our status appropriately during the holiday season. The holidays bring a …

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Developing effective exercise plans

The journeys throughout everyday life impose trials on our bodies and minds.  Everything from sitting too much, making phone calls, or being hunched over a keyboard to the complete opposite of performing knuckle-dragging physical labor required for landscaping, painting houses, or framing doors in a home.  If the body doesn’t consistently recover from strenuous bouts …

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Benefits of inclined walking

Taking a morning stroll on one of our brisk winter mornings has been a tradition for many people as an energizing and uplifting start to the day.  This is an opportunity to hang out with your spouse, family member, or friend could be a neighborhood walk after dinner.  Walks are great ways to clear the …

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Isometric Exercise: Progressive Regressions

A few themes in life slow our progress throughout our fitness journey.  Common obstacles compromising our adherence to physical activity are lack of time and distractions to our focus.  Long weeks of traveling for work, making sure “little Johnny” gets to his soccer practice, or finishing a landscaping project at home require significant time and …

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Just One More Healthy Deed

It’s normal to strive for a little bit more of something.  After a long day at the office, a top by the local fast-food joint or order from Door Dash seems like the simple solution.  Sitting on the couch and turning on the ball game while scrolling through text messages and social media sounds enticing.  …

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Muscles and a Balanced Diet Make a Successful Team

The scales of deciding to indulge in decadent foods and maintaining a healthy functional body continue to be an act of checks and balances for society.  Humanity has developed an array of resources to acquire delicious food at our fingertips.  As five o’clock PM hits, and we depart from our jobs or pick up our …

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Sciatica is a pain in the butt: Part 1

Nerve pain can be the most challenging forms of physical sensations to explain.  The compression of nerves can have many descriptions:  searing, “zinging,” or irritable feelings caused by a pinched nerve. A common nerve disruption is located in the hip region featuring a disturbance around the sciatic nerve.  For readers who have experienced sciatic nerve …

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Balancing the Scales of Diet and Exercise

The scales of deciding to indulge in decadent foods and maintaining a healthy, functional body continue to be an act of checks and balances for society.  Humanity has developed an array of resources to acquire delicious food at our fingertips.  As five o’clock PM hits, and we depart from our jobs or pick up our …

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Daily Hydration Tactics

“How much water should I be drinking?” After completing a seventy-five-minute training session, one of our personal training clients, Ken, asked. “How much do you normally drink each day?” I replied.  “Oh, about two of these.” Ken said after holding up a twenty-ounce portable water container. Before delving in further to a conversation covering advanced …

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