Stiff, achy and nagging joint pain is something we all deal with in life. It’s uncomfortable, inconvenient and annoying. Elbows, hips and knees start to ache as the colder seasons approach. People even say they can tell when it’s about to rain because of the pressure increase in the air due to the tightness in …
Tag: weight loss service napa
Nov 19
Staying Fit During the Holiday Season!
Catching up with family, traditional holiday food, and bright lights decorating your neighbors’ houses are a clear sign that the holiday season is in full effect. With 2019 waiting for us around the corner, the holidays bring one last hurrah before new year’s resolutions are established. Along with the holiday rituals, the days get dark …
Nov 12
Pick The Exercises You Like!
Part of my job as a personal trainer and life time fitness coach in Napa is to create and manage exercise prescriptions for our clients at our fitness studio. Overseeing numerous fitness programs per month, I also have the privilege of creating my own new and improved exercise prescriptions every 4 weeks. Just like …
Nov 05
Removing the Rust of Age with Life Time Fitness
Aging can be an intimidating term. Our personal training clients in Napa refer to how age effects their lives by saying “I may have slowed a little bit due to my advanced age” or “I might be a little behind because I’m “not as recent’”. The enjoyment of our everyday quality of life shouldn’t be …
Oct 23
Staying Healthy During Day Light Savings Time
It’s getting to be that time of year where the sunrises and sunsets are beautiful, but the weather gets cold and the days grow short. Usually when there are less hours in the day, people want to get inside sooner. When it’s dark and cold, we must do things to keep warm, which usually means …
Oct 08
Procrastinating from Fitness: Managing Your Time for Exercise
We all want to become a fitter version of ourselves. Who wouldn’t want to lose a few pounds, gain some lean muscle, recover from an injury and reap the benefits of becoming a more healthful version of ourselves to live a longer, happier life? The answer is should be obvious. There’s one problem here, we …
Oct 01
Weight Loss Goals and Business Lunches
“It’s really tough to eat healthy when my job requires me to go out to business lunches and drink wine.” Sound familiar? As life time fitness coaches in one of the most successful food and wine meccas in the world, this is not an uncommon struggle that we come across with our personal training clients …
Sep 09
Have you counted how many Starbucks drinks you’ve had lately?
Living a healthful, happy and disease-free quality of life requires a balanced understanding of food choices. During our nutritional consultations with our personal training and life time fitness coaching clients in Napa, a common deterrent to achieving weight loss goals is the amount of excess sugar present in their daily food intake. One of the …
Aug 19
Reasons Personal Trainers are Important!
Personal Training is a service sought out to refine health and fitness. Popular interests in acquiring personal training services include losing weight, gaining lean muscle, and becoming stronger. Creating solutions in developing a fitness program that supports life time fitness goals and avoids injuries is a common reason to reach out for personal training. Maintaining …
Aug 10
“Do I need to do a ton of Cardio?”
Weight loss is one of the leading factors for individuals to begin a fitness program. A common theme is to “burn” fat by performing cardiovascular routines. Our personal training clients in Napa frequently ask the question “Do I need to do a ton of cardio to get rid of fat?” This statement is usually identified …