Tag: weight loss service napa

Healthy Knees and Strong Hips

A productive and enjoyable experience to our everyday lives is what most of us strive to achieve after we wake up in the morning.  A critically important factor to a fulfilling day is our physical well-being.  We can have a to-do list with the power to supercharge our world.  However, we cannot make these life-enhancing …

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BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals)

“I have a few big, hairy, audacious goals.”  These profound adjectives presented before the word “goals” caught my attention as I was meeting with a new personal training client.  “I call them BHAGs.  I use them as a tool to achieve my sales quota for my job.  If I don’t set those goals for myself, …

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Weight Loss on Auto Pilot

A fellow reader of the Napa Register reached out with an interest in maintaining a healthy weight.  She shared that she had lost over thirty pounds at sixty-nine years old.  I commend this reader on her enthusiasm in refining her lifestyle to achieve a healthy weight.  Losing a substantial amount of weight is no easy …

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Thoughtful and Strategic Weight Loss

One the most popular fitness goals among our society is weight loss.  The weight that is measured on the scale is a numerical unit of the amount of force produced on the ground dictated by the overall mass of a body.  This means a combination of our bones, muscles, blood, and visceral organs.  Let’s not …

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Exercise is an anti-depressant

“It gives you those positive endorphin things,” Mara explained after conducting her monthly fitness check-in.  An effective question we ask our clients after a 4-week period of regular exercise is, “What results have you experienced from this previous 4-week exercise phase?”  Our team of coaches knows to gather this information following a 4-week period of …

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Nutrition: Am I eating enough food?

Balancing the scale of weight loss and improving fitness can be tricky.  Losing weight seems to be a priority in most individual’s fitness goals when first entering a fitness routine to improve their health.  The focus on decreasing the number the scale represents is commonly associated with an individual’s ability to restrict how many calories …

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Keep Exercise Routines from Getting Stale

Having time on your hands after a long career and a slew of grandkids can be a blessing.  However, after those years of working hard are over, the mind can become complacent.  Who needs exercises anyway?  Perhaps you’ve proven that after a successful 40 plus year career without injury or illness, you know what you’re …

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Posture Makes Perfect

“Is there anything you can do to help this pain in my neck.”  This is a common request that comes from our newer personal training clients just starting one of our exercise prescriptions.  This comment is usually paired with the participant turning around and showing me the spot that hurts.  As they struggle to reach …

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Exercises to Perform in the Car

My pickleball partner and I travel various places to get some games in against other players.  We also travel via plane and lengthy distances in our cars to compete in tournaments.  The result is always worth it.  We get some much-needed physical activity in and refine our craft by fine tuning our skills in the …

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Get Your Sleep and Thrive

Our everyday lifestyle habits lead to a day that uses a specific amount of energy from our human fuel tanks.  This fuel comes in the form of physical energy, emotions, and decision-making capabilities.  By the end of the day, we feel tired and are ready to wind down.  This is our body’s built in mechanism …

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