Tag: work site health

Finger Strength-Get a Grip on your Fitness Routine

The small bones protruding from the ends of our hands meticulously function throughout our everyday lives to perform tasks with remarkable dexterity and precision, beginning first thing in the morning and maintaining their efficient productivity until the last moments before our heads rest on a pillow and we transition into a deep slumber.  These little …

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Take Care of Your Feet

The gift of existing in the world as bipedal organisms puts the human race at the top of the hierarchy in the animal kingdom. With a set of hands with opposable thumbs and the ability to walk, our body’s engineering makes us one of the most sophisticated and successful species on earth.  While the skeletal …

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Am I Getting Enough Protein in My Diet?

“It’s challenging for me to eat enough protein throughout the day,” shared Nester during his training session.  “I’m only one hundred and fifty pounds, and the doctor recommends that I eat about half a gram of protein per pound of body weight.”  This would mean that Nester must consume around seventy-five grams of protein throughout …

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Building Lean Muscles and Insulin Management

The storage of excess fat mass and metabolic conditions such as pre-diabetes can produce undesirable events in our everyday life functionality.  Not only does excess fat mass create threatening environments within our cardiovascular system, but carrying around more weight than our body can manage due to a surplus of fat mass combined with deconditioned fitness …

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Exercising to Prevent Lower Back Pain

Lower back injuries are among the most common physical maladies affecting people’s functionality and experiences in their everyday lives.  The lumbosacral joint, the area of the body in which the fifth vertebrae of the lumbar spine connects to the fused vertebral bones of the sacrum, allows the body to perform complex movements.  The ability to …

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Making Unhealthy Food Decisions a Sacred Experience

A hidden treasure exists in Napa Valley in the form of a twelve-inch piece of cooked dough produced by R+D Kithcen’s take-out menu.  Better known as Hawaiin-style pizza, this masterpiece of American-Italian fusion displays a pillowy, yet structurally sound, dough that has been meticulously measured out by the R+D culinary team that creates an identical …

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Arthritis and Bone Mineral Density

Our bones are significant organs within our body responsible for the infrastructure and framework that keeps us upright and allows us to move in multiple planes of motion.  Similar to how rebar, cement, and two-by-fours hold buildings together, our bones supply an internal stabilizing factor to support our body.  Our skeleton offers us a magnificent …

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Want to play catch?

The sun is out in full force.  The vivid blue sky and toasty weather gracing Napa Valley have finally appeared following a frosty and damp winter.  As the birds begin their concert of raucous cackling and chirping, the cacophony of small children can be heard around our local schools and neighborhood parks. Grimy baseball mitts, …

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Exercise Hurts

“I don’t like to sweat.”  “Why would you want to inflict pain on yourself?”  “There’s weird people at my Yoga class.”  “I don’t want to be around all those young kids at the gym taking pictures of themselves.” An alarmingly prevalent reason people veer from fitness is the physical discomfort exercise can impose on a …

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Daily Hydration Tactics

“How much water should I be drinking?” After completing a seventy-five-minute training session, one of our personal training clients, Ken, asked. “How much do you normally drink each day?” I replied.  “Oh, about two of these.” Ken said after holding up a twenty-ounce portable water container. Before delving in further to a conversation covering advanced …

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